Cold Fartlek or Warm Fartsack

Weather: 42 – Feels like sub 40

QIC: Bing

Pax: Bing, ShamWow, Yamaha, Crabcakes

Fellowship and the brotherhood accountability won this gloom. With an HC the previous day, YHC, Yamaha and Crabcakes committed to a 6 mile run with 3M Fartlek. ShamWow took to the bridge and noted that the air is much colder on top of the bridge and over water!

Pace started a bit quicker than suggested, but that was necessary to warm up…and then it was time for the Fartlek session, completely random distances at high speed with a recovery in between.

Run might’ve been slightly closer to a Threshold run, but it was great regardless, and even better when shared with your brothers of the gloom.


  • January 4th F3 Suncoast New Years Convergence
  • April 3-5 Florida GrowRuck


  • Yamaha and safe travels
  • QuickDraw and quick healing
  • First responders and military

Always an honor to share the gloom with my brothers.

~Bing Out