Carry One Another

Build Up… Not Puff Up.

16 Pax at NBP

We Spoke on 5 principles

Warm up:

Mosey over to lawn parking area near mall

Circled up , 20 reps of each:

Overhead claps

Air squats

Toy soldiers

Dry docks

Arm circles

The Thang: carry one another

Partner up

Perform the following routine from cone to cone, switch positions and back.

Double leg carries

Wheelbarrows frontward

Deadman drags

Fireman carries

Wheelbarrows backwards

repeat twice

  • modify as needed

Grab a sandbag and jog back to Tower (1.5 mile round trip)

Cool Down:

20 Supermans

20 LBC’s

10 alternating planks

20 strawberry pickers

20 Merkins

20 hammers

20 nite clubs


– clay pigeon shooting charity fundraiser Sat. Jan.25th, speak to Sniper for details

– Superman 5K charity run Feb. 15th in Northport, race for kids… see Gridlock for details

– Ronald McDonald House today 5pm


Desani’s cousin stationed in Guam was cleared  to go home after overcoming serious issues


Mr. Clean mentioned the importance of reaching out and talking to your neighbors, especially during this time of year when depression and suicide is high.

Rowdy mentioned prayers needed for QuickDraw still in manatee memorial hospital,  having complications.


All Honor, Glory, and Praise be to God most high!


Today’s Q,


Sir Wallace