New Years Day 2020

Weather: 51 and crisp

QIC: Bing

Pax: Bing, Sir Wallace, Pincher, Messi, Lancelot, Posh, ShamWow, Mr. Clean, Stage Coach, Deep Dish, Wingman

The pax gathered in a our usual AO, this time in full daylight, which was only due to it being New Years Day.  11 HIM rose up from the fartsack including 1 on vacation from Cherokee County GA and staying nearly 1 hour away.  Welcome Wingman!! Disclaimer shared, Core principles reviewed and the pax was off for a mosi including Nur, carioca x2, butt kickers, high knees, skipping and a fast pace run to the COP.  COP included the following:


  • SSH x30 IC
  • Strawberry pickers x10 IC
  • Merkins x10 single count
  • Plank Series (Left, right, Pincher, I mean 6-inches)
  • Mountain Climbers x15 IC

It was time to head over to the basketball court to reveal the small weinke.  Today was the perfect day to repeat a crowd favorite, the Hindenburg Blimps!!  Using all 4 corners of the basketball court, the pax would complete a set of each exercise and then run to the next corner.  Once back to the start, plank for the six.

Exercises were:

  • Burpees x5
  • Leg Lifts x10
  • Imperial Walkers x15
  • Merkins x20
  • Plank Jacks x25
  • Squats x30

Next up was some Bing cardio time.  Using the basketball court, the pax ran the full court, following all lines, facing in the same direction in each lap.  This creates the need to do side shuffle, sprint, and nur on each lap.

Next up was some captains chair and then balls to the wall intervals.  While in these two positions, YHC encouraged the pax to find their word of their year, a word that will spur change in their lives in 2020.  Dig deep and find a great word, as it should be life changing. The following verse was shared from Colossians 3:12

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

After a short mosi over to home base, it was time for an ab-lab round of Mary including:

  • LBCs x10 (Great job counting in cadence, Messi – proud of you!)
  • Big Boy Situps x10 IC (thanks ShamWow)
  • Leg Lefts x10 IC – up on the 3 count down on 4 – sorta. Clearly Cadence Counting isn’t a thing in England.
  • 60 degree hold to 15 count – Wingman bringing it!
  • Imperial Walkers – x10 IC – Not bad counting for a rookie – Deep Dish
  • Flutter kicks x15 IC – Thanks Pincher


  • Convergence at Adventure Park on 1/4 7am
  • Superhero 5k 2/15 – join the F3 Team – 30 members already
  • GrowRuck Florida – registration now open.


  • For the strength of the members of F3 Suncoast to continue to reach out to those sad clowns who we know needs what we are blessed with
  • Sick and injured pax and families
  • First responders
  • Posh’s Dad in England
  • Trane and Ripken’s M

Thanks to Wingman for joining us while on vacation and sharing some of his ruck knowledge with the pax. And thanks to Lancelot for sharing his experience so far! Excitement is building for our great event in April.  To learn more, visit the F3 Nation GrowRuck page and register here: GrowRuck Florida Registration

Always an honor to lead this great group of men. Until next time,

~Bing Out