Clearwater Getting it Done

Weather: Warm

QIC: Bing
Pax: Dirt Dart, #Law, Branzino, Bing, Ozzy, Tanker, Tar Heel

YHC has tried to visit our brothers in Clearwater for months since their launch, and today was the day.  It wasn’t long before it was declared that they prefer me from a distance versus Qing one of their beatdowns, and this was an HONOR!!

7am hit, disclaimer shared, core principles reviewed and off we went for a mozi including NUR, high knees, side shuffle x2, dynamic stretching and some butt kickers.  Once we arrived at the basketball courts, it was time for COP:

  • SSH x30 IC
  • Windmills x10 IC
  • Merkins x10 IC
  • Plank Series
  • Wheezy Jeffersons x10 IC
  • Hello Dolly x10 IC
  • Peter Parkers x10 IC

It was time for the THANG…which is where the love was shared.  First up was a round of cards.  21 cards were stashed in the pavilion.  Each card had a set of exercises on them.  The pax were to execute the full set of exercises with the number next to it.  Once the entire team was finished, the runner would head for a full lap around all basketball fields while the remaining pax would do the second exercise on the card.

The exercises included:

  • 40 SSH in Cadence/American Hammers
  • 30 Monkey Humpers/Freddie Mercuries
  • 20 Diamond Merkins/LBCs
  • 30 Sumo Squats/Lunges
  • Dealer’s Choice/Nolan Ryans
  • 15 Seal Team Sit-ups/Elbow Plank
  • 1 lap around the circle/Shoulder Taps
  • 25 Burpees/Overhead Claps
  • 30 Merkins/High Knees in place
  • 25 Mountain Climbers in cadence/Calf Raises
  • 13 Donkey Kicks/Dying Cockroach
  • 15 Makhtar N’Diayes/Dancing Bears
  • 25 Partner Merkins/Box Cutters
  • 20 Wheezy Jeffersons/Groiners
  • 25 Dips/Annie
  • 30 Hello Dolly/SSH
  • Jailbreak (sprint to the top of the tower and return)
  • 20 Bobby Hurleys/Overhead Claps
  • 20 Goofballs/Seal Jacks
  • 15 Mike Tysons/Moroccan Night Clubs
  • 22 Peter Parkers/Parker Peters

The pax battled through the full set of cards with lots of smack talk amongst the teams.

Next up was the icing on the cake.  The pax were introduced to the PIT OF MISERY.  This includes 1 burpee x4 ssh followed by a lap around the basketball court.  Plank until the 6 is in. Rinse and repeat all the way to 10 burpees x40 ssh.  YHC was impressed at the speed in which #Law was able to get through his burpees!

All in all, the pain was real, but the fellowship is even more real with these pax!

YHC encouraged the pax to think of 1 word that might define a monumental change for them in 2020.  Pray on what word might be right for you, and then share it as we converge on 1/4.


  • Convergence on 1/4 at Lakewood Ranch Adventure Park
  • GrowRuck the first weekend of April (Lots of exciting conversation happened here)


  • Injured/sick pax and family members
  • Ozzy’s wife
  • All spoken and unspoken prayers

Always an honor to lead such a great group of men!

~Bing Out