May The Fourth Be With You

Weather: 73F, perfect morning.

Mosey: Heading down towards the Basketball Courts and around the back side of the Echo Chamber with some butt kickers, high knees, karaoke towrds the lake, back towards the preserve, Toy Soldiers, and some reverse run across the parking lot. Had the Pax circle up for some Side Straddle Hops, Florida Strawberry pickers, left & right leg stretch all in cadence. Now it was time for my Virgin Q to make a statement, I grabbed my 10 pound Medicine Ball and I lined up the Pax for a 1.5 Mile Indian Run passing the ball back thru the line all the way from front to back. After getting lost in the wood, we made it back to the base of the bridge and circled up for some Moroccan Night Clubs and squats. Then we proceeded to finish the run back to the Pavilion for a water break.

The THANG: In the Echo Chamber, I set up 4 Stations with a STAR WARS “May The Fourth Be With You” Theme. All exercises were done as a unit in cadence. Each Station was timed at 3 minutes, then the Pax ran around the Echo Chamber 4X (May the 4th laps) before rotating to the next station.

Station 1# Yoda- “Do or Do Not, there is no Try” consisted of:
20- Merkins
20- Carolina Dry Docks
20- Mountain Climbers
20- Plank Jacks

Station 2: Vader-“Come to the Dark Side”
20- Al Gore’s
20- Jump Squats
20- Lunges
20- Peter Parker’s

Station 3: Jedi Training-“Luke, I am your Father”
20- Hello Dolly’s
20- Seal Sit Ups- as a unit
20- Freddie Mercury’s
20- American Hammers

Station 4: Solo- ” I love that Wookiee”
– Crab walk
– Bear Crawl
– Wheel Barrels w/ partner
– Roll the dice of mixed exercises

Tribute to Riley Howell- Before the COT, Bing had the Pax honor a fallen 21 year old courageous Student @ UNC that lost his life trying saving others. We did OYO count 21 Burpees in conjunction with his age in silence.

In a circle in the center, The Pax did one last round of roll the dice with side planks and some more Burpees.

Prayer/Praises Request:
1) Drakes M’s safe travel
2) Recall’s Sons first steps
3) Families of UNC

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