
Weather: 85 and extremely humid

The PAX moseyed about 1/3 of a mile, incorporating Lunge Walks, Carioca, Butt Kickers, Toy Soldiers, and High Knees.  Following, we moseyed to the basketball court and circled-up.


  • SSH – IC – 25
  • Strawberry Pickers – IC – 10
  • Alternating Hamstring Stretches – 2
  • Alternating Quad Stretches – 2
  • Alternating Arm Across Chest Stretches – 2
  • Alternating Arm Down Back Stretches – 2

The Playlist

YHC has recently made it a point to build playlists with loose ties to the beatdown’s theme.  Below is the music selected on this Gloom:

The Thang

The PAX counted-off and were divided into three teams.  Each team was assigned to a separate workout location.  YHC advised that today’s Beatdown would attempt to incorporate 6 different workout themes into a 50-minute period.  Each workout would be 6-minutes straight, followed by a 1-minute hydration/station rotation beak.  Detailed instructions were provided at each station.  PAX were encouraged to give it all they had at each rotation, as each station provided a different set of w0rkout challenges.  Below were the stations:

The PAX did an awesome job navigating the stations.  Mumble Chatter was high.  Everyone was gassed and dripping with sweat.  YHC called the PAX together at the basketball court.

The Moleskin

YHC queried the PAX, asking if they picked-up on anything from the RED letters at each of the stations.  Several PAX successfully put the clues together: L.E.A.D.E.R.  YHC expanded briefly upon leadership and its relationship to being a H.I.M.  YHC challenged each PAX to identify an area where they could take their own leadership presence up a notch, whether that be at home, at work, at F3, at church, within the community, etc.  YHC noted that everyone there was an effective leader; however, YHC advised that when we all come together to lead as one unit, under the power and grace of Sky Q, we can influence great change, encouragement and inspiration to the people and communities around us.

Using “Strength in Numbers” as a segue, YHC added one final letter to the L.E.A.D.E.R. Beatdown: “S”.  YHC lined-up the PAX for a final 2 rounds of Suicides with Merkins in between sets.


  • Be sure to check out the Newsletter, which includes several great 1st, 2nd and 3rd F opportunities
  • 2nd F Potluck scheduled for 10/20 at Adventure Park – more to come on this
  • Polled PAX on a JUCO-inspired Go-Cart 2nd F opportunity – more to come on this
  • Sparky will be championing another 3rd F study: a book by John Eldredge – more to come on this

Prayer Requests

  • Greenthumb’s family during the final trimester of their pregnancy.  Praying for the health of their 2.0 in the oven.
  • Recall’s neighbor who was severely injured this past week.  Prayers for quick healing.
  • Tex and his family as they travel out of control.  Prayers for his business during their absence.
  • Pincher’s M.  Prayers for physical and emotional strength throughout recovery.
  • Prayers for those affected by Hurricane Florence – praise to F3 Regions already making a difference

Great job, crew!  Aye!
