I love The Way Thunderstruck Roxanne And Sally Up & Down

Weather – crisp 70, Little breazy but humid …. Who am I to complaint … Its 69 degrees 🙂

The pax  started arriving  early  supporting my VQ….. “What a humpling moment” when you see 12 cars coming your way for your VQ ….The all smiles quicly  turned to questions once the pax stepped out of their  cars only to be greeted by blaring music and the brotherly hazing starts …even Bing gets a big laugh after joining from the extra credit pre-run with Rowdy. Shortly after announcing the disclaimer /reciting F3 core principles  its was time for  my big brother  @Jimmy Dean honoring me with Co. the worm up for my VQ . He takes us for the worm up……. Mosey around the parking lot included Nurr, Carioca x2, Butt Kickers and High Knees ending up circling at the parking lot where we started .

*COP included 

  • SSH x20IC
  • Windmills x10IC
  • Mountain Climbers x10IC
  • Merkins x10IC
  • Jimmy Dean famous  stretches
  • 15 & 20 Yards “Agassies” full sprint style on Jimmy Dean’s choice of   (Get Set on 1 or 2, Hud on 1 or on 2) with 5 yards penalties for falls start …..  ” Who is better than another big man in the pax @Zues to give Jimmy Dean hard time on coaching style when he calls Hud before get set … That was an clash of 6Foot ++ Titan Pax instant classic.


Then it was time pop the VQ cherry and teach him how to lead a pax of TRUE “HIM”, We picked up the water and flag heeded to the base of the tower and the loud music where the fun began. With little shaky voice gaining confident by the minute The Q announces the  4  SONGS  CHALLENGE”  explaining a set of 4 songs  with a q word to do an exersise and holding position;

1- Thunderstruck                                                                                                                                                     With pax doing a Burpee when they hear THUNDER then holding the Blank while waiting for the thunder .…. Sounds harsh … it was what was the Q thinking? The Q started getting a peace of the pax mind half way through the song on how much he ruined this songs for years to come ..Ouch … Q loved it gaining more confident he finally yells …recover and give the pax 10 sec. water break.

2- Flower By Moby AKA  “Bring Sally Up/ Bring Sally Down”                                                              Squad when Sally is up and  Al Gore when Sally is down  and suddnly all pax are sweating yet going for it with a clue from  watching SNIPERS perfect form and just like that before long its another 10 sec.recovery while our quads are really burning .

3- Roxann                                                                                                                                                            Comes calling with her Merkins  and to make it worse you will hold @Superman stretch waiting for her name to be called …….. 2 pax dripping wet yelling at the Q that this not good for them 😉 … but they kept going and the minute the Q yells recover and the pax stand up …You see a sweat angles spread apart evenly from every Pax giving the Q a hint that they are working a sweat  !!

4-I love The way You Lie Rihanna & Eminem ….   Say Whaaaaaat?                                                                                            To close it with the big twist ..When Rihanna sings you Hold your legs up 30,60,90 every verse and go as fast as you can LBC when Eminem raps…. That was a classic PAIN sealing the deal was the pax making noises the Q never heard before in his 99 days tenure.  Recover, 15 seconds, water break with daggers AKA looks from the PAX towerd the Q but they are waiting tell he finishes his VQ to take him to the SHED … wow 13 minutes left and we go for a fun one;

5- BATTAN DEATH MARCH                                                                                                                              With a single file Indian run where the last of line drops to do 5 Mountain Climebres before sprinting to catch up to the pax and goes to the front of the line. Just before the pax end up at the base of the tower  The Q hears a VOICE …. @BING ….. no way your not going up the tower ….. the Q gets the hint and  calls an audible;

6-Stairway to Heaven                                                                                                                                             Single file doing side straddle hops at the base of the tower, one pax at the time sprint to top of the tower, calls for next after passing first floor, hold the blank at the top waiting for the 6 and at the top 1 minute left …. Ok Lets go Al Gore backs to the wall and hold … and as usual Pincher gets the Q str8 to get down more mr. Q …  6:00 AM ..  just like that the Cherry were popped !!  

*  COT at top of the tower, we circled up for the Q to step up and he speak from his heart how this pax has made a believer out him, He is a better Man, Husband and a Father because F3 Pax saved him from his status quo then delivers the message asking his Pax to think of F3 as more than just a fitness bootCamp. The Q shares






Shared Leadership , He asked the pax to read f3 and to find out the first 4 leadership virtue and shares with them the fifth about shared leadership, understanding that leaders are not born they are made and how this pax shared their leadership style with hime to make him a better man   @Bing message .. Be Present         @Sniper/Ripken … Inviting to church           @Pincher…. never letting him slack yet support       @ Clutch/Banjo … extra credit pushing           @Jimmy Dean … without the worm welcome day one and headlock for the VQ and giving him tough love when out of line .



  • Care2Try Race Saturday
  • Need Pax to Pick up tommorow at both AO’s
  • February – Triathlon


  • All unspoken prayers/ Unity to our Country during the gloomy days ahead of election battles.


BigMac Out

2 thoughts on “I love The Way Thunderstruck Roxanne And Sally Up & Down”

  1. Great VQ my brother. Proud to have been a part of it and proud to witness your amazing transformation! Keep it up and I look forward to continuing this journey side by side with you! ~Bing

    • Bing… Forever Gratufull for You and Shamwow for the emotional headlock and changing my life … will never forget it and one day will pay it foroarwed …. F3 Suncoast was the Miracle I’m waiting for to change my life … you are my brother for life … your stuck

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