Hot Laps in the Chilly Gloom

Weather – 61 and a COLD breeze (I know, it sounds ridiculous knowing our brothers in Naperville, Omaha and Minneapolis have snow, but geez it was chilly).

A quick disclaimer was shared and we were off to warm up, literally and physically.

Mosey included a few laps around what would be a familiar track for the Thang.  Mosey included butt kickers, High Knees and ended with a Nur.

COP included:

  • SSH x20IC
  • Imperial Walkers x10 IC
  • Hillbilly Walkers x10 IC
  • Peter Parkers x10 IC
  • Parker Peters x10IC
  • Mountain Climbers x10IC

Funny, but it doesn’t feel cold anymore!

It was time for the Thang.  YHC was so moved by Big Mac’s message and beatdown yesterday that we mirrored some of the beatdown today, and the message of being present with your family and friends.

Knowing the average person looks at their phone roughly 120x a day, we did 120 reps of the following exercises:

  1. Squats x20
  2. Lunges x20
  3. LBCs x20
  4. American Hammers x20
  5. Moroccan Night Clubs x20
  6. Carolina Dry Docks x20

Once a set is completed, the pax would run a lap around the island.  All Pax chose to run the laps around the large island, which is great to see everyone pushing out of their comfort zone.  This was repeated 3 times, with each time an additional lap added (up to 3 laps).  Once we reached 3 laps run after the set, we cut the count in half and ran the small island, but with more intensity.

The Pax all finished strong and did a great job bringing in the six!  Great work was done by all.

In an complete attempt to plagiarize, below are the 3 steps shared regarding being present:

The 3 Steps for Being Present

Step 1: Daily Gratitude /Physical Activity

The first 5 to 10 minutes of your day should be devoted to daily grateful for your creator , for your self for providing and simply just give thanks and appreciate what you have. and start with your physical activity wither its F3 bootcamp or simply just walking or running around the block just don’t fartsack.

Step 2: Limit Distractions

Commit yourself to limiting your distractions during a specific block of time. Pick one small block of time, whether it’s for 15 minutes or even one hour, and turn everything off. This includes the television, Internet, phones, and everything else that can interrupt you. During this time, find something to read that will inspire you or motivate you, or simply spend it with someone you love.

Step 3: Find a Way to Give

Find a way, every day, to give something to someone in need. It doesn’t matter how big or small, and it doesn’t have to involve money. Our most precious asset is our time. Not a single person on earth has more time than the other; it’s the greatest equalizer. Giving your time to someone else in need is one of the best things that you can possibly do. But, this doesn’t necessarily have to be a tremendous commitment.

Banjo mentioned that being present also includes romancing your M and making sure she is kept at the center of your attention and praise at all times.


  • 12/11 Homeless Event – look for further info about stocking stuffing event and night plans


  • Lonestar leading a group prayer session on stage on Saturday.  Disrupting his status quo and doing something new and out of his comfort zone.
  • Slater’s friend who is battling PTSD, and all military members who face similar battles
  • Mr. Clean’s family while grieving the loss of their mother, Michelle

The Pax was challenged to step up and Q at Celery Fields.  HC by using the following link: Q Schedule We also discussed the importance of writing a backblast for future review especially by traveling downrange pax.  Snapshot shared his desire to do so in St. Louis but was unable to fine a public posting of backblasts.

Also, the Pax was challenged to find some outreach opportunities to get involved with.  Lonestar shared the opportunity for Saturday worship and public prayer that he is involved in.  will share more in the mumble chatter page once another is scheduled.  Lastly, Slater is going to present the idea of leading a bootcamp and mens day at Gator Wilderness Camp with the campers so we can increase our presence with the boys who likely need a positive male role model in their lives.  More to come.

Always honored and humbled to lead this group and appreciate all you all for following me into my comfort zone of running!

~Bing Out!