Ft Hamer

Weather: Florida Muggy

Pax: Tex, Lancelot, Bing, Ripken, Rowdy, Yamaha, Lambeau

Yamaha, Ripken and YHC fulfilled a dream we never knew we had by cycling 10-20 miles to and from the running AO. Upon arrival, our bike storage was ready to go (thank Lambeau), shoes changed, bathroom visited, and visited…enough about that.

Plan for the cyclists was 5+ miles. Yamaha and Lancelot led the way with YHC and Ripken following with Tex (great having you out man).

Rowdy and Lambeau partook in their bridge repeats, with rowdy throwing down merkins with his Ruck along the way.

Great work by all. COT ended too quickly with just name-o-Rama as the cyclist were pondering the remaining 10-20 miles left for the ride home. But prayers for those who need it, and for those who don’t know they need it.

Always an honor to lead. ~Bing out