Flint Town Beat Down – Dasani Birthday VQ 7.23.19

Weather: Florida in July
QIC: Dasani (VQ)

PAX: Bing, CottonTail, Clutch, Snapshot, Defib, Lambeau, Hercules, Diesel, Condenser, Lancelot, Therminator (Welcome! DR from Greensboro), Gierrrrrmo, Goob, Papa Smurf, Manziel, Hawwwt Pocket, Mr. Clean, Dasani.

5:15 on the dot! We started with a welcome and covered the five core principals. A bit of backstory on how YHC got the name “Dasani”. Born in raised in Flint, MI it was only fitting that my name be related to the water crisis that is still ongoing some 5 years later. However this beat down would not focus on the water. On this day in 1903 Ford Motor Company sold its first ever Model A, and long before Flint was known for contaminated water, they were known as “The Vehicle City”. Flint produced the car parts, and Detroit built them. So to pay homage to the late Henry Ford, today’s message came from him.

If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” –  Believe in yourself. Whether you believe you can or cant perform the task at hand, you’re right.

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” – To me,…that is what F3 is. Gathering in the gloom is our beginning at each post, we make progress by continuing to post and coming back for more, and work together through the 3 F’s.

I encouraged the PAX to keep those quotes in mind as we worked and throughout the day.

A short mozy around the parking lot with High Knees, Butt Kickers, and carioca both sides began the warmup.
In all the anticipation of the upcoming beat down, we aaaalmost forwent the rest of the warmup – Thanks to the PAX for reminding me that it was still only 5:18AM and the muscle groups were still a bit stiff. So we continued IC with:

10x Windmills
10x Imperial Walkers
10x Merkins
:60 sec Plank
10x SSSH

NOW we were off for a morning of fun. PAX counted off 1’s & 2’s –
We split up to opposite sides of the bridge where we began The Thang

The Thang
1’s – 15x Mountain Climbers
2’s – 10x Merkins
2’s – 15x mountain climbers
1’s – 10x Merkins
1’s – 15x Mountain Climbers
2’s – 10x Squats
2’s – 15x Mountain Climbers
1’s – 10x Squats


The PAX circled up and we began some OYO sets of:

20x American Hammers
3x Burpees
20x Merkins
3x Burpees
20x Squats
3x Burpees


A short mozy to the opposite side of the lot for dominoes starting with right side plank, 5x merkins down the line and the switch to left side plank and so on down the line. Judging by the groans of some PAX we decided to partner up to do your 5x merkins.

With some time left, we mozied back to our starting point for a round of Ab Lab – Each PAX called out an AB specific exercise.  Pretty sure we exhausted every core type excerise in the book. With 15 or so minutes left we called an audible and went for a 4 corners Mozy (thanks for the suggestion Bing) where we stopped on the corners for Monkey Humpers, Pickle Pointers, and flutter kicks.

A long mozy back to our starting point for a quick Round of Mary that included planks, merkins, SSH, and Monkey Humpers for the patrons of the World Rowing Champs being held at NBP. Welcome fans!

Counted 18 for a VQ beat down and q quick name-o-rama lead to a few announcements regarding Ronald McDonald house in Sept and ragnar in Dec.
Prayer requests for condenser and his foster child who is getting ready to head off to a forever home and for Bing’s sister and her health. Prayers for our first responders, service men and woman and our beautiful country. And thanks to our lord and savior for his mercy and his favor.

Thank you to the pax for the opportunity to lead you in the gloom. It was a privilege and an honor. I look forward to the next time!