F3 Suncoast Cycling Is Back

Weather: 65 ish and perfect

QIC: Bing

Pax: Messi, Pincher, Yamaha, Cottontail, Bing

After 8 weeks of pairing up to ride in order to ride side-by-side, the pax of the suncoast met at Wawa for our usual route.  Missing were Ripken (get well Cam) and Manziel/Brutus who were talking about meeting in some dark alley somewhere.

The ride started…then stopped as Pincher tossed his phone off his mount, luckily into the grass and not the oncoming truck. The ride started again…..and then stopped, this time for another Conway calamity as Messi blew his rear tire as he hit some gravel and a fairly large rock.  Thanks to Yamaha and his tire changing ability, we were off and running in a few minutes. No Fix-A-Flat was used during this process.

The rest of the ride was rather uneventful, so I believe.  YHC had to get home and had to miss the University segment.


  • None were shared


  • Marriages, especially as we spend more and more time quarantined at home with the entire family.  While this is a great thing, it does add additional stress on the marriage.
  • Front line responders including DeFib and all of our military and police/fire.
  • Safety on the ride today

It was great to have much of the gang back together again and look forward to more rides in the future!

~Bing Out!