Sports are back

The UFC started again this weekend.

As the only sport going on right now, I decided to honor it with a few boxing / MMA-style exercises in this beatdown.

For anyone following along at home. You will some space to work out in, and also room run about 100 yards. These exercises come in pairs:

  1. Complete 50 reps
  2. Run 100 yards using a specific style. Running 50 yards there-and-back might be the best option

Here is the first pair:

  1. 50 side-straddle hops
  2. Run 100 yards

The second pair:

  1. 50 burpees
  2. Run 100 yards doing butt-kickers

The third pair:

  1. 50 mountain climbers (counting for each leg, so 100 total)
  2. Run 100 yards doing high knees

The fourth pair:

  1. 50 Bobby Hurleys
  2. Run 100 yards doing straight punches (keep your shoulders and hands high)

The fifth pair:

  1. 50 plank jacks
  2. Run 100 yards doing uppercuts

The sixth pair:

  1. 50 Apolo Ohnos / speed skaters (counting for each side, so 100 total)
  2. Run 100 yards throwing hook punches

The seventh pair:

  1. 50 big boy sit-ups
  2. Run 100 yards bobbing and weaving from your hips

The eighth pair:

  1. 50 get ups
  2. Run 100 yards doing karaoke

The ninth pair:

  1. 50 American hammers (counting for each side, so 100 total)
  2. Run 100 yards skipping (imagine you have a rope in your hands)

The tenth and final pair:

  1. 50 merkins
  2. Run 100 yards as fast as you can

Update: We had fun beatdown to start the week.

Stagecoach told us about his 30 day challenge. He’ll posting videos on his Facebook feed, exploring how he can be a better man. He has already recorded the first few videos and he posted the first one this morning. He shared how nervous he was to make this step – he’s challenging himself to push beyond his normal “I’m happy! Everything is great!” routine. Please encourage and support Stagecoach in this journey.