Camden Yard Block Party

Weather:  Finally cooling off – temperature was 68 degrees F and 84% humidity

After the F3 core principles and a quick disclaimer were presented, the PAX Mosi’d around the parking lot enjoying the cooling temperatures.


  • SSH’s
  • Strawberry Pickers
  • Ab Vigodas
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Arm Circles

The Thang:

The PAX were excited to see the coupons at the back of banjo’s truck and with many joyful superlatives, the Pax eagerly grabbed the 8″ CMU Blocks and headed to the open parking lot for the following beatdown:

#1 – Cusak Blockpees / BALLS

Utilizing the 0.1 mile (back & forth) parking lot, the PAX carried the CMU Block over their head to the far end of the parking lot, performed 5 Blockpees, and then returned to the starting position.

At the starting position the PAX busted out a set of BALLS.

  • 10 – Big Boy Situps
  • 10 – American Hammers
  • 10 – LBC’s
  • 10 – Leg Lifts
  • 10 – Squats

Rinse and Repeat 5 times.

#2 – Farmer Carry 21’s / Chubby Checkers

Utilizing the same parking lot loop, the PAX carried the CMU Block with their right hand to the far end of the parking lot, performed a set of 21’s (curls with the block = 7 low to mid, 7 mid to high, 7 full range curls), then carried the CMU Block with their left hand and returned to the starting position.

At the starting position the PAX busted out a set of Chubby Checkers.

  • 10 – Merkin Twists (at the top of the merkin turn sideways, raise right arm in the air, on the next merkin repeat with the left arm)
  • 10 – Imperial Squat Walkers
  • 10 – Parker Peter’s
  • 10 – American Hammers

Rinse and Repeat 4 times.

Unfortunately, to the dismay of the PAX, time ran out before a round of Broga could be performed.  So the PAX gathered around for a COT.


This week keep the missing PAX in your thoughts and prayers.  Reach out to them to let them know they are missed.  Don’t ever miss an opportunity to encourage a fellow brother or to share the reason why you have hope.  You never know how far an encouraging word could go.

I appreciate all my fellow F3 brothers for the encouragement and uplifting I have received.  I love you guys (and not in a gay way)