EC On the Bike

Weather: A chill-ish in the air

QIC: Bing

Pax: Bing, Dogo, Sniper, Ripken, Cotton Tail, Brutus

With a Tri scheduled for this weekend, Ripken set for a plan for YHC and himself, one that included riding upwards of 35 miles this gloom.  The plan was shared on the GroupMe Cycling channel and we had a foursome to start at 5:15a (Ripken, YHC, Sniper and Cotton Tail).  The pace was brisk, reaching 24+ mpg, the air was cool, except that one strange spot over the bridge, and the fellowship was strong.

We met back up at Wawa at 6a to pick up Dogo and Brutus for another tour of Lorraine Blvd and University.  All in all, solid riding all around.  Many topped out at 32 miles with a solid effort all around.  It was also fun to test our speed on the radar signs along Lorraine.  Somehow Ripken and Sniper set land speed records as photographed below:

COT (prior to the ride which is protocol for the cycling AO) included name-o-rama and prayers/praises.

  1. Safe and successful Tri for YHC and Ripken
  2. Safe Travels for Cotton Tail as he heads to China (mail order bride?)
  3. Firefighters, police and all first responders


  1. Did we make any?
  2. Can’t remember if we did
  3. If we did, I would add them here.

Always an honor to join this great group of men and really appreciate how much this pax pushes me out of my comfort zone.  Until next time!

~Bing out