

Continued rain, high humidity, dark and NO lightening.  However, due to all the rain the temperature was better.77 degrees!

Great day for a Duck, but you have to be Goofy to come to the Beatdown…..

Chore principals covered and Disclaimers. Time to swim…..? Whose tired of the rain?


We jogged the normal loop around the bridges w butt kickers, Nur X2, kerioke and high knees.


SSH, Strawberry pickers, Michael Phelps, arm circles and yes, Bad Back Stretches!   On to the Thang>

The Thang

said Q took the Pax under the tower to be semi out of the rain.

We did the following exercises with a half tower run between each exercise.

100 LBCs  10 burpees

90 Mountain Climbers 9 burpees

80 Squats 8 burpees

70 Freddie Mercury’s 7 burpees

60 Lunges 6 burpees

50 Imperial Walkers 5 burpees

40 Merkins 4 burpees

30 Arm Circles 3 burpees

20 Heals to Heaven 2 burpees

10 San Franciscos 1 burpee

Thanks again for allowing me to Lead!!!
