Doggy Paddle v Bing Q Battle

Weather: 70s and humid

QIC: Doggy Paddle and Bing

Pax: Trump, Barron, Lambeau, Pincher, Messy, ShamWow, Manziel, McNugget, Lancelot, Big Mac, Jimmy Dean, Cochrane, Mr. Clean, Goob, Doggy Paddle, Bing

As the clock struck 5:15, it was time to start up another great week in the Suncoast.  We welcomed two guests, Doggy Paddle from Aiken, SC and Cochrane from Louisville Kentucky and looked for our fearless portable Jesus (Rowdy) who was scheduled to Q Battle with Doggy Paddle, but he was deep in slumber, nestled in his fartsack. To his credit, he misunderstood the timing of the Battle and thought it was on Saturday.  Have no fear, we jumped right in and battled none-the-less.

After a short mosi, the pax circled up for COP including:

  • SSH x20IC
  • Thru the Tunnel/Strawberry Pickers x10 IC
  • Windmills x10IC
  • 60 Flutter Kicks OYO (due to the 60 minute drive Doggy paddle took to post)
  • 6-inches held for the six
  • Iron Crosses x10 IC
  • 60 Flutter Kicks OYO
  • 6-inches held for the six
  • Mosi around the parking lot ending back up with his stash of coupons.

The Thang:

Doggy Paddle up first on the Q Battle.  Indian Run with a dead seal around the parking lot.  With 14 in line (2 walkers) this took a few laps, but the pax enjoyed strapping the dead seal across their backs while sprinting to the front. But it appears that some pax have trouble running while handing off dead seals. We will be sure to work on this in the future.

Next up was another circle of pain but with coupons. Pax would hold an Al Gore squat while three different coupons were passed along.  Coupon #1 – 10 lbs plates x10 – overhead press.  Coupon #2 – 30lbs Ruck Sack – 10x Overhead Thrust. Coupon #3 squats/salsa dips with the dead seal.

It was time to hand if off to YHC, and my inspiration struck while we were doing the coupon circle.  It was time to mosi over towards the hockey court (rink) for some more stationary pain.  Up first was Captain Thor x10.  1 big boy situp x 4 American Hammers – Up to 10 Big Boy Sit-ups and 40 American Hammers.  Much Mumble Chatter was heard.  Next up was Jack Webb, because we hadn’t used our arms enough.  1 Merkin x 4 overhead claps up to 10 Merkins and 40 Overhead Claps.  This took us to 6:00a on the dot.  There was a vote that YHC won the Q battle, but unfortunately the pax were unable to lift their arms to vote.


  • Twin Lakes AO will move to Nathan Benderson on July 2nd
  • Look for another Ronald McDonald House date soon
  • Huge success with F3 Beach Bums – look for another date next month and plan to join.


  • Families without fathers on Fathers Day
  • Patient of Doggy Paddle who died suddenly, leaving behind small children and a fiance
  • First Responders and military

Tclaps to the Pax who also stepped up for a post run, including Barron and Messy, two of the 2.0s in attendance in this early gloom.  Runners were Jimmy Dean, Bing, Pincher, Manziel, Trump, Barron and Messy.

Honored and humbled as always.

~Bing Out