
Weather: 65 and Gloomy – heavy Sea Fog

The Super Bowl didn’t keep the die-hards away as 7 truly #HIM posted for a Sniper beatdown.  After a few laps of the usual stuff including high knees, butt kickers, Karaoke x2 and Toy Soldiers, the pax circled up for COP:

  • SSH x 40 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x 20 IC
  • Hillbilly Walkers x 20 IC
  • Strawberry Pickers x 20 IC
  • Windmills x20 IC

Sniper then shared the Thang with the Pax, but with a twist.  Partner up for a speed bump beatdown including 15 Merkins, 15 Hip Thrusters and 20 LBCs while your partner does Squat Thrusts with a run between speed bumps (6 total speed bumps each way). As the pairs headed towards the first speed bump, Sniper called everyone back, as they forgot the coupons, that he failed to mention.  4-6 ft long PVC pipe filled with water was the coupon special of the day!  Ever work out with a PVC pipe filled with water?  You should try it one day.  And off the Pax went.  The mumble chatter, more like whining, was strong with this one!

*actual Pax not photographed, clearly, it’s too bright out and this dude is smiling!

Upon return back, the partners duo carried the coupons and did 15 Carolina Dry Docks, 15 Moroccan Night Clubs and 20 American Hammers.

With no time left on the clock, the Pax willingly returned the coupons to their rightful owner!  It is with great appreciation that we owe this idea to Newport, a visiting Pax from F3 Metro (Charlotte) who shared this terrible idea with Sniper a few months back.

Moleskin: Sniper encouraged the pax to look for ways to help out someone this week.  God has a plan for putting those people in your life, don’t shy away from the opportunity, and to continue being a Christ-like example to those around you.


  • Continued prayers for Greg, Jimmy Deans friend, who suffers from chronic pain.
  • Prayers for Ripken’s friend with Ovarian and Colon cancer
  • Praise to the coaches and athletes in the Super Bowl for openly praising God for their success