Pre Skyway 10K Beatdown

Brisk morning 50ish degrees.

As 7:00 am rolled around there was just three of us: Snapshot, Steel and Tin Man.  We began with some stretching excercises and then we mozied around the Audobon building to the east parking lot.  There we took a shot at Bings new Motivator.

Tabata: 20 sec work, 10 sec off, 4 minutes total.
Exercise: Plank Jack’s, heals to heaven.

The lions did not think we were working hard enough, so they wanted four burpees.

The Thang.
We mozied to Center Road to begin our climb.
Electric Pole Ladder.
Mosey to stop sign for. 10 Merkins
Next pole: 20 Freddie Mercury’s
Next pole: 30 Strawberry pickers
Next pole: 40 Squats
Next pole: 50 LBC
Next pole: 60 Dying Cockroaches
Next pole: 70 American Hammers

Then back down the pole ladder, repeating assigned excercises, only to a 30 count.  This left us with about 8 minutes left.  We ended up using our bricks foe four arm excercises.

Prayers were offered up for Lori’s and Sarah’s recovery.

For our first responders and military.

And for me doing the Skyway 10K tomorrow.

It is always a pleasure to lead our pax, no matter the numbers.  Thanks to Steel and Tin Man for making it out.

Lions count: 4

SnapShot  ?