Banjo Bear Slammer

Weather:  Temperature: 70 degrees F / Humidity 93% / Wind:  SSE 7mph


The air was filled with excitement from this past Saturdays “SUPER HERO 5K RACE” in support of our very own Gridlock’s (Danny Jones) foundation “Bridge of Life”.  It was great seeing how strong of a presence of F3 was there to support a great cause and support a brother.  I have been humbled and honored to belong to a group of men, sacrificing their time not only to ‘reinvigorate male community leadership’, but also to make our community a better place.

So after all the fluffy stuff was done the 5 core principals were stated, then we headed for a mosey around the lake, taking the long way to the Echo Chamber.  The run included an assortment of high knees and butt kickers.


  • SSH
  • Rowdy’s Washers
  • Strawberry Pickers
  • Windmills
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Jimmy Deans

(all done IC to random number counts)

The Thang:

  • Lunge across the court to the opposite wall
  • Perform 10 – LBCs
  • Lunge back across the court to the starting wall
  • Perform 10 – LBCs
  • Wall sit for 30 seconds.
  • Bear Crawl across the court to the opposite wall
  • Perform 10 – Dancing Bears
  • Bear Crawl back across the court to the starting wall
  • Perform 10 – Dancing Bears
  • Wall sit for 30 seconds.
  • Duckwalk across the court to the opposite wall
  • Perform 10 – Homer 2 Marge
  • Duckwalk back across the court to the starting wall
  • Perform 10 – Homer 2 Marge
  • Wall sit for 30 seconds.

The PAX then gathered center court to perform a round of

  • Banjo Bears (oink)
  • Flashdance Slammers (oink)

Rinse and Repeat

  • Lunge across the court to the opposite wall
  • Perform 20 – LBCs
  • Lunge back across the court to the starting wall
  • Perform 20 – LBCs
  • Wall sit for 45 seconds.
  • Bear Crawl across the court to the opposite wall
  • Perform 20 – Dancing Bears
  • Bear Crawl back across the court to the starting wall
  • Perform 20 – Dancing Bears
  • Wall sit for 45 seconds.
  • Duckwalk across the court to the opposite wall
  • Perform 20 – Homer 2 Marges
  • Duckwalk back across the court to the starting wall
  • Perform 20 – Homer 2 Marges
  • Wall sit for 45 seconds.
  • Banjo Bears (oink)
  • Flashdance Slammers (oink)

With 5 minutes remaining the PAX stayed at center court for a round of Mary, which may or may not include some form of the following:

  • 15 merkins
  • 10 burpees
  • 10 squats
  • 1 lap around the rink
  • Football run in place, then going around the circle each PAX would say ‘drop’, and then everyone performed a Burpee. (This was courtesy of Sparky, who stole it from a visit to another PAX during an out of town F3 beatdown.)


The word given today by Banjo:  Last Saturday I gave my daughter away in marriage.  I never imagined how hard this was going to be.  Man, it was the toughest thing I have ever done.  I feel like a part of me has left and there is this hole in my heart now.   So keep these 3 things in focus

  • Find Joy in the present
  • Enjoy what you have in front of you
  • Live in the moment

Many times I’m guilty of always looking forward, for the next phase with my children, like:  holding their own bottle, out of diapers, they can dress themselves, they can drive themselves, etc… Enjoy every phase, because that phase will end and it will happen quicker than you think.

Sniper wisely responded with, “You have not lost a daughter, you have gained a son.”  Which is exactly right.  So, last point:  Look at the positives, don’t focus on the negatives and your heart will follow suit.

Love you guys.