7’s in the Corners

With the Pre-Q runner’s out of pocket the parking lot looked empty as I rolled in at 5am. You know it is a good thing when the initial discussion was it looked like it was a light morning for the PAX members and 10 is now consider a LIGHT morning 🙂

Mosy –

We Mosy’d around the parking lot twice doing some high knee’s , Karaoke’s and Nur’s.

Circle up do to 14 SSH’s, 7 Strawberry Pickers and 14 Windmill’s…. the number 7 was going to be our nemesis today.

We headed over to the newly surfaced basketball courts that has no lines yet


The exercise’s would be done in each corner of the fenced in area.

1st Round of 7’s in each corner Burpee’s

Side Shuffle Side Lines/ Sprint End Lines

2nd round of 14 in each corner Big Boy Sit Ups

Side Shuffle Side Lines/ Sprint End Lines

3rd round of 21 in each corner Flutter’s

Side Shuffle Side Lines/ Sprint End Lines

4th round of 28 in each corner Freddy Mercuries

Side Shuffle Side Lines/ Sprint End Lines

5th Round of 35 in each corner LBC’s

Side Shuffle Side Lines/ Sprint End Lines

Now time to count backwards

6th Round of 35 in each corner LBC’s

Side Shuffle Side Lines/ Nur End Lines

7th round of 28 in each corner Freddy Mercuries

Side Shuffle Side Lines/ Nur End Lines

8th round of 21 in each corner Flutter’s

Side Shuffle Side Lines/ Nur End Lines

9th  round of 14 in each corner Big Boy Sit Ups

Side Shuffle Side Lines/ Nur End Lines

10th round – only had time for 1 set of 7 burpee’s.


Prayers for those PAX members that are hurting both physically and emotionally or just need to get out of the fartsack and join us again.