Talking or Working Out?

YCH welcomed the brave PAX. 5 core principles and disclaimer were shared. Warm-up: Mozy, each PAX lead a warmup excerise, no more than 15 reps. Wolverine lead SSH, Spartan lead…

Pride beat down with heavyweight friends

Beautiful day for a beat down a pride park. perfect number of packs to ensure that everybody is in agreement with fireballs music choices. Mosey Pilates based exercises Swimmers 100…

Head, Shoulders, Knees, & Toes

A mild 63F at 7:00am – 5 core principles announced by the group, Gold Watch has a hurt shoulder socket, no FNG’s, warmorama began with mosey around building with exercise…


Just two for the show at 5:15.  We knew the 5 core principles and disclaimer  so we Mosied the parking lot stopping at the circle for bad back stretches, LBCs,…

Burpees for Christmas Countdown

18 days till Christmas (18 reps each corner) Split into even sets of groups, one group start at each corner. If you get passed it’s dbl count your next corner.…

Advent 4 and 5!

4 HMs at the Guillotine this gloom.  Disclaimer, 5 core principles.  Mozy around the parking lot followed by 50 SSH in cadence, and 20 Michel Phelps. As it is Advent…

… so let it be done!

WX: 61 degrees and perfect for some holiday spirit when 11 Pax who gathered in the gloom to sharpen themselves a little to open the weekend. YHC shared the 5…

Punisher’s Dura

5 core principles given and there was a pre blast warning to those on Slack that this wouldn’t be much of a mumble chatter BD. We are in the Gloom…

Any given Tuesday

15 minute warmup, then 500 merkins in 30 mins on a Tuesday gloom at the Guillotine.   message: “If anyone sees his brother sinning, if the sin is not deadly,…

The 3rd Day of Advent?

Disclaimer and 5 core principles.  Long Mozy including butt kickers, high knees and two sessions of wall sits.  Circled up and did quick set of strawberry pickers and Michelle Phelps…