Back To The 80s

Weather: 75-degrees and overcast with below average humidity.

Love Bugs were in the air (and on our windshields) as 17 HIM pulled into the AO for a morning of pain.  The PAX were welcomed with music from Van Halen, which seemed to lift everyone’s energy levels, pre-beatdown.  YHC (sporting a radical GNR shirt and matching head/wristbands) welcomed the PAX and advised that the group was going “Back To The 80s” for today’s beatdown.  YHC queried the PAX, successfully, on the 5 Core Principles of F3.

The PAX started with 2 laps at a conversational pace around the Adventure Park parking lot.  Butt kickers, Carioca, High Knees, NUR and Toy Soldiers were incorporated into the warm-up mosey.  YHC led the PAX to the basketball court.  As is typical with a Recall Q, a lot of weird stuff was strewn across the AO: cones, exercise ladders, hundreds of Easter eggs, buckets, empty Amazon boxes, and a dozen signs staked into the ground.


YHC led a light, stretching-based warm-up:

  • SSH – 10 IC
  • Mountain Climbers – 10 IC
  • American Hammer – 10 IC
  • Flutter Kicks – 10 IC ~ w/ tribute to Amazon
  • Leg Stretches – Alternating L & R – 2 times
  • Florida Strawberry Pickers – 10 IC
  • Shoulder Stretches – Alternating L & R – 2 times
  • Overhead Claps – 10 IC

The Playlist

No theme-based workout should go without a dedicated playlist.  Below were the 80s classics shuffled for today’s beatdown:

The Thang

The PAX counted off into 2s and were separated into two teams: 1s were The Goonies while 2s were The Ghostbusters.  YHC advised that he had modified four separate games from the 1980s for the morning’s beatdown: UNO, Twister, Chutes & Ladders, and Hungry, Hungry Hippos.  The first three games would be played in 10-minute increments, each followed by a 1-minute water break.  The final game would last 5-minutes and be played for score.  Prizes of unspeakable value would be given to the victors of the final game.


Each team had a station equipped with a deck of UNO cards, and a board directing which exercises to complete.  At “GO”, a member of the team draws a card.  The entire team then completes 10-reps of the exercise assigned to that card.  Immediately following completion of the exercise, rinse and repeat.  This game was played continuously for 10-minutes.  Blue numbered cards were Overhead Claps, Red numbered cards were LBCs, Yellow numbered cards were Squats, Green numbered cards were SSH, Reverse cards (all colors) were Mountain Climbers, Skip cards (all colors) were Heel Lifts, Draw Two cards (all colors) were Merkins, and Wild Cards were the ever-dreaded Burpee.


The Twister station featured the standard twister board, but modified with Core, Arms, Legs, and Death in place of Right Foot, Left Foot, Right Arm, Left Arm.  Like in UNO, there was a directional board which determined which exercise to complete based on where the spinner landed.  At “GO”, a member of the team spins the wheel.  The entire team then completes 15 reps of the exercise assigned to that spin.  Immediately following completion of the exercise, rinse and repeat.  This game was played continuously for 10-minutes.  ARMS: Moroccan Nightclubs (red), Overhead Claps (green), Big Boy Arm Circles (yellow), Shoulder Taps (blue).  LEGS: Left Leg Dirty Dog (red – props to FIAB), Right Leg Dirty Dog (blue – props to FIAB), Al Gore Squats (green), Monkey Humpers (yellow).  CORE: LBCs (red), American Hammer (green), Leg Lifts (yellow), Imperial Walkers (blue).  DEATH: Burpees (red), Merkins (green), Squat Jumps (yellow), Carolina Dry Docks (blue).

Chutes & Ladders

This was the most complex game played, as it was a figure-eight obstacle course featuring various stationary exercises and motion-based exercises.  The PAX did a great job making it look easy.  “Chutes” were portrayed by Leg Lunge Walk, Bear Crawl, NUR, and Sprints.  Ladders were portrayed by 3 separate conditioning ladders, each with a different footwork drill.  The course was outlined as follows: 10 SSH, jog to ladder, complete a footwork drill on the ladder, jog to next cone, complete 10 Mountain Climbers, Bear Crawl to next Cone, complete 10 SSH, jog to ladder and complete a footwork drill, jog to next cone and complete 10 Merkins, Lunge Walk to next cone and complete 10 SSH, jog to ladder and complete a footwork drill, jog to next cone and complete 10 Squats, NUR to next cone, and then Sprint back to the start line.  Rinse and repeat.  This game was played continuously for 10-minutes.  Ripken referred to Chutes and Ladders as “Beast Mode”.

Hungry, Hungry Hippos

YHC rallied the PAX to the basketball court.  At each endline of court were 2 empty buckets.  In the middle of the court were 269 plastic eggs, all of which were recycled from YHC’s Psycho Bunny Challenge from March.  YHC explained that this game was a head-to-head challenge between the two teams.  At “GO”, each member of the team would run to the center line, grab one egg, and run back to their team’s endline, placing the egg in their bucket/s.  YHC explained that this would continue, non-stop, for 5-minutes, or until all eggs had been collected.  Both teams fought hard, despite being noticeably gassed from the previous three games.   At conclusion, the PAX collected all 269 eggs from the field in just 3:20.  The Ghostbusters won the 135 to 134.  As promised, prizes of unspeakable value were bestowed upon the victors: boxes of Reese’s Pieces, paying homage to one of YHC’s favorite 80s movies, E.T.

With 5 minutes to spare, a quick Round of Mary was conducted.


YHC advised that in 1980, roughly 60% of American households regularly attended church services.  YHC advised that the number had fallen dramatically to around 35% in 2017.  YHC pressed the PAX on EH’ing, not just for getting guys to come together in fitness, but to help bring others into a closer relationship with Sky Q.  On that point, Drake astutely pointed out that 2 out of every 3 people you pass on the street likely are missing out on Sky Q’s grace.  Let’s keep getting better with our EH’ing, and convey the whole story of what F3 represents–it’s so much more than just a workout!

Praise – Sparky’s fitness gains, and using the 1st F as a vehicle to inspire his daughter who made her school’s track team.  Backdraft and his distance running improvements, as well as his rigorous Paula Abdul Q at NBP (here’s a link to her video, Backdraft…thanks for getting this terrible song stuck in my head!

Announcements – SUP Run next weekend, Chili Pepper’s Mission Trip items (see below, in detail), upcoming Ragnars in SC and FL (see Ripken), upcoming 2nd F event at Pinchers on 5/30 at 6PM — props to Pincher for providing a gift card toward our social gathering!

Prayer’s – Papa Smurf’s M who is out of town caring for a parent, Amazon and Mr. Clean as they move into new homes.

Chili Pepper’s Mission Items

  • Acetaminophen
  • Pepto-Bismol
  • Sunscreen
  • Anti-diarrhea medicine
  • Shoes for babies and young children
  • Soap
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Flashlights
  • Reading Glasses – non-prescription
  • Small Toys for children
  • Baby Bottles
  • Pens, notebooks, pencils, erasers – for kids
  • Backpacks – for kids
  • Checks made payable to Harvest UMC w/ a memo line of “Cuba Supplies”

Great job today, crew!



1 thought on “Back To The 80s”

  1. Great creative effort per usual Recall. Props to your M for her excellence in graphic design!

    Additional announcement from COT:
    May 26th @12:00 noon F2 Event-F3 Crawfish Boil. Our very own Cajun chef Wilson will demonstrate his culinary acumen by executing an authentic Cajun crawfish boil. Tables will be papered, tails will be pinched and heads will be sucked. $20/head gets you appx 5 pounds of fresh crawfish, sausage, corn on the cob and potatoes. HC with funds by 5/26.

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