Balls of Fire 2

YHC drove up and saw a few HIM’s already there and thought he was late but clearly he was not they were just way early. 🙂

A bridge was calling so we started our Mosy heading towards the Ringling Bridge.. once we reached the beginning of the

bridge we circled up and did some SSH’s, Strawberry Pickers and Imp Walkers

The Thang

We began the journey over the bridge stopping at the crest of the bridge for some Monkey Humpers and Toy Soldiers then down the other side for some Inverted Merkins at the base of the bridge.

We headed to Bird Key Park where we went from one end to the other and used the big balls and benches for dips and derkins.. then we ran back to the other end of Bird Key Park doing LBC’s.

Time to head back over the bridge stopping at the base for some more Monkey Humpers, at the crest of the bridge on the way back we did some moroccan NC’s before heading back down the bridge. From the base of the bridge we did an indian run all the way back to the flag and starting point.


Reminder of the upcoming events..

Christmas with the homeless men.. planning meeting at Pinchers next Wed 11/14 at 6:30.. Event is Dec 11 at 6pm

Triathlon on Super Sunday

Bridge of Life Super Hero 5K (2/16 at NBP) supporting Gridlock’s organization that helps Foster and Adoption Children and Families

Prayers for YHC’s family and mom as I head to NY for a visit with family and her doctor

Prayers for all the officers that are on the street protecting us every day.