4+4= Figure 8

With a quick disclaimer and F3 Core Principles we headed off for a Mosy with 8 HIM’s showing the PAX 2 of the workout stations that would be used later. Upon returning to the starting location 2 more HIM’s were waiting for us.

It was a quick circle doing some SSH’s and strawberry pickers  due to the fact that we would need probably every bit of time for what YHC had planned.

The THANG was going to consist of 4 stations that had 4 exercises in each station running in a figure 8 rotation between station.

Station 1 = Merkins, Shoulder Taps, CDD and Plank Jacks

Station 2 = Lunges, Side Lunges, Freddy Mercuries and Jump Squats

Station 3 = American Hammers, Flutters, Butterfly Sit Ups and LBC’s

Station 4 = Imp Walkers, Toy Soldiers, SSH’s and Moroccan NC’s

We all started in the center of the figure 8 and headed to station 1 where you would choose one of the exercises and do 20 reps. Then it was off to each of the next 3 station again choosing an exercise and doing 20 reps… BUT every time you passed thru the center of the figure 8 you had to stop and do 4 burpees. You did the loop 4 times doing each of the exercises at each of the stations.



Some of the PAX finished early and did or started a triple nick of 5 merkins at the bottom of the “hill” 5 merkins at the top of the hill doing that 5 times.

Total of 348 rep of exercises and about 2.8 miles of running.

Kudo’s to the 3 PAX with extra credit doing 3 miles before our workout and the 2 PAX members running the “Stairway to Heaven” post workout.


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