Stairway to Heaven

Weather – Low 70s and a nice cool breeze, especially on top of the tower, which we spent a lot of time on today.

The Pax arrived somewhat early today, and welcomed a visiting Pax from F3 Kernersville (near Greensboro, NC).  It’s always great to have a guest, and especially at this AO, which means, we head for the Tower!

Mosey around the parking lot included Nur, Carioca x2, Butt Kickers and High Knees and ended up circling up at the base of the tower.

COP included:

  • SSH x30IC
  • Strawberry Pickers x10IC
  • Windmills x10IC
  • Imperial Walkers x10IC
  • Mountain Climbers x10IC
  • Peter Parkers x10IC
  • Plank series with 6 inches, left arm high, right arm high

We then took a mosey to the top of the tower, where the fun began. 

Round 1 – Peoples chair along the wall while Pax from each end of the line bear crawled back and forth across the landing.  Directions weren’t followed so well, we we rinsed and repeated to get it done correctly.

Round 2 – Balls to the wall – handstand along the tower wall and hold position as long as possible.  Next round included some descending testicles – Do as many handstand merkins as possible.  Rinse and Repeat.  In impressive fashion, Scuba showed off a few 1-handed BTTW Descending Testicles.

Round 3 – Suicide run DOWN the steps.  At each landing, 10 LBCs, returning to the top after progressing the the next landing, adding 1 level each time.  At top – 10x Merkins.  This was a leg burner to say the least.

Round 4 – Modified Burp Back Mountain – at the base of the tower and partner up.  Partner 1 runs up the hill to the tower gate x5 while partner 2 does burpees until you flip flop.  There was talk of doing this 4x total, but YHC realized there was no way possible to complete this task so we modified with a JAILBREAK – sprint to the top of the tower!

After the final tower run, we had time for a quick round of Mary including Crunchy Frogs (great idea, Dr. Evil) x20 IC and Leg Lifts x10 with a few holds along the way.

No better place for COT than the top of the tower, so we circled up!


  • 2nd F Potluck tomorrow.  2-4pm at Adventure Park
  • Care2Tri race in November
  • Skeet Shooting competition – if you have any items you can donate for door prizes, they are welcome.  Give to Sniper
  • February – Triatholon
  • April – Gator Wilderness 5k, 10k, 15k – Sign up!!


  • Dr. Evil’s sister – Barbara as she recovers from her ovarian cancer surgery and starts her chemo soon.
  • All unspoken prayers

Always an honor and a pleasure to lead this group of men, especially at this AO.

-Bing out!