3 Amigos go for a ride

Weather – Cool – lower 70s with little humidity

QIC: Bing

Pax: Bing, Brutus, Cotton Tail

Light showing with fences needing to be built, injuries/homes being remodeled and one pax out buying kilts, but it was a great morning for a ride.  After an opening COT (we do this on cycling mornings as we don’t always end at the same place, we set off for our usual route of Lorraine to Fruitville, back to University and out east till it ends.  YHC and Cotton Tail swung back to grab our paper boy/Brutus a few times, but were rather impressed by the pace he was laying down.  Clearly he is getting a hang of this cycling thing and will be a force to recon with once he gets his road bike.

18 Miles for Brutus

20+ for Cotton Tail

23 for YHC

A great morning with a great push all around.


  • Safety on the ride
  • First Responders/Military
  • Jack, Brutus friend going through a tough time with employment and helping his mother with her cancer treatments – Hope to meet him at a bootcamp soon!

Next ride should be a ride over to Benderson to support Hot Pocket on his VQ!!  HC anyone?