2nd Annual Salvation Army F3 Christmas Party – Pre-Blast

Date: 12/12/19

Time: 6:30p

It is time to start planning for the 2nd Annual Salvation Army/Bring On The Ministry – F3 Christmas Party. This year, we will be preparing Shaving Kits for gifts to the guests of the Salvation Army. Kits will include Razors, shaving cream and any other items we feel needed. Bring on the Ministry has ample supplies of socks for us to put in the kits also.

This is a great night of fellowship and opportunity to talk and pray with the guests of the Salvation Army. If you have stories you’d like to share from last year, please do so in the comments. And yes, they want the guitars back again!

One new element to the event for 2019 is that the Salvation Army will require background checks on all guests who attend the event. More details to come.

Next steps:

  • Need a HIM to take Q on this event
  • Plan out quantities and items needed
  • Communicate details of the event
  • Get HCs
  • Start background check process