You Can Get Anything You Want

Weather: Humid and upper 70’s

QIC: ShamWow

Pax: Bing, ShamWow, Brutus, Ripken, Sniper, Bubbles, Chili Pepper, Manziel, Goob, Trump, Lambeau

The pax assembled in a well lit parking lot of Nolan, eagerly awaiting the 2nd beatdown by the one and only War Daddy, ShamWow.  One never knows what to expect, other than the possibility of a lot of Rope Climbs…the disclaimer and we welcomed our FNG, and off we went for a 2-lap mosy including butt kickers, high knees, carioca x2 and toy soldiers, ending in COP for the following:

  • SSH x20 IC
  • 20 Michael Phelps
  • Strawberry Pickers x20 IC
  • Lunges x20 IC
  • Merkins x20 IC
  • Jimmy Dean Bad Back Stretches
  • Leg Raises x20IC
  • Leg stretches (boy was this needed)

The pax grabbed their water and we headed over to the basketball courts, only to realize we were stepping into Alice’s Restaurant where you can get anything you want, at Alice’s restaurant. On the menu was a dish to share with your partner (we partnered up).  Partner #1 ran 2 laps around the 4 basketball courts while Partner 2 started the consumption of what was on the menu, including:

Burpees x40

Lunges x100

Merkins x100

LBCs x200

Big Boy Sit-ups x200

Exercises were done as a pairing, totaling one another’s count.

ShamWow wanted to point out most Pax won’t have any clue what Alice’s Restaraunt is about, so please watch this clip (it’s clean – trust me):


  • Triathlons on 8/3 and 8/4 if interested
  • Savage Race on 11/9 – Sign up
  • Other races – just do something
  • 9/9 Ronald McDonald House – looking for someone to co-Q the event with 8-Ball (help with sign up sheet and organization)
  • Shirt Order is open – 12 shirts already ordered. Open till 7/28


  • Gator and his amazing recovery
  • Goob on his first day back to work
  • Ripken on his first day with his changes at work – been working on for a year
  • Manziel on dealing with teenager issues
  • And others spoken or unspoken

Welcome to FNG Bubbles – Great naming ceremony.  Chris works in HVAC and works on heaters for pools.  Somehow we went from Jacuzzi to Bubbles really quickly, and it was epic.  Now he has more reason for the B (Boston Red Sox) tattoo on his shoulder.