Captain Ron’s Tower of Terror

‘Twas a beautiful balmy July morning for the 30 brave PAX of Nolan today. There was much excitement for what was about to ensue after the prior advertisement and hype. The eager PAX and YHC began with the intro and the usual warmups.

20 SSH’s IC

Strawberry pickers and stretch; walked out to 10 Merkins

10 Imperial Walkers IC

(I don’t change it up very much)

The Thang:

We began with an F3 rendition of the Mad Minute(s)

We were given 3 minutes to complete
10 Burpees
20 Merkins
30 SSH
Essentially 1 minute per exercise.

-Small Loop Mosey

-Mad Minute(s) Round 2
15 Burpees
25 Merkins
35 SSH

-Small Loop Mosey

-Mad Minute(s) Round 3
20 Burpees
30 Merkins
40 SSH

Then there was much rejoicing as it was time to climb Captain Ron’s tower of terror… [cue the applause]

We all purchased a ticket to the top of Captain Ron’s tower of terror; unfortunately the elevator is BROKEN so we have to take the stairs, stopping at each of the 4 corners of the floor while awaiting admission to the next floor…

Corner 1- 20 Squats

Bear crawl the short side to corner 2

Corner 2- 20 Squats, 20 Merkins

Jailbreak the long side to corner 3

Corner 3- 20 Squats, 20 Merkins, 20 Curb Dips

Bear crawl the short side to corner 4

Corner 4- 20 Squats, 20 Merkins, 20 Curb Dips, 20 Pole Taps aka heels to heaven.

Jailbreak the long side to arrive on the second floor where we rinsed and repeated the above but since we were higher in the tower, we went higher in the count. On this floor, we went to 30 on each of the above exercises in the same fashion.

After valiantly completing the 3rd floor, YHC got word that the elevator was fixed, and we all took the express elevator to the top, wherein, we completed 10 of each exercises along the way where we arrived at the top to take in the beautiful view, which oddly enough looked exactly like the ground floor…. weird right??

Welcome Bookie from Birmingham; you’re welcome back anytime!

Next tour stop is Celery Fields, Lions Pride this Saturday.