Thursday Running AO

Weather – surprisingly cool feeling. Lower 70s and lowerish humidity

QIC: Bing

Pax: Lancelot, Bing, Lambeau, Crabcakes, Mighty Mouse, Goob

The decision to head north was made and the pax headed off at various distances and paces with many going for the 6.33 miler. Intentions were for a warm up mile and 4 at 8:12 pace, followed by a cool down. The warm up mile happened as planned, the rest not so much. After the buffalo chicken sandwich settled into a secure spot, YHC decided to follow the encouragement of Messi (not present, but very present in mind) and do better than last week. Pace dialed way up and off we went. Many of PRs set but Goob and Crabcakes, but Goob learned to not stop just prior to hitting the 10k mark. It was also determined that it was Deep Dishes fault we got lost in earlier weeks, as the 6 mile group executed the course flawlessly today without Deep Dish present. Great job to Mighty Mouse. I think he needs to consider moving the family away from Rat City and join the Suncoast family. That, or he’s looking forward to getting the heck away from us nut jobs running at crazy early times.

Lambeau set out for his 3+ miler and set plenty of PRs along the way.

Lancelot, after an 8-mile pre-run set off, got lost, and then found us finishing the loop and followed us in to home base. Solid effort and solid mileage.

Overall a great morning with great men!


  • Sign up to Q in August


  • Emily, Taylor and Sean, Children of YHC’s friend who died earlier this week
  • Traveling pax
  • Sniper, Hercules and the crew for their trip to Nebraska with flood recovery supplies