Lazy Dora Kinda Morning, Sort of…NOT!

Weather: 78 degrees and clear skies

QIC: Coop

Pax: Clutch, Coop, Puck, Slater

Gloom: Pain Stations H.I.T

A small Pax this morning but just enough to pair up and get the day started. Today would be focused on strength and muscular endurance. No running required this morning but you better bring your lunch cause the morning was going to be busy. QIC brought a Bluetooth speaker this morning to help lighten the atmosphere and add an additional layer of motivation in the background for those that might need or want it today. Music selection was left to the radio experts of Sirius and the Classic Rock Workout Station (there really is a Classic Rock Workout Station) and it was perfect this morning.

Knowing each in the Pax and with no FNG or travelers among us we glazed over the 5 core principles and disclaimers. I decided to keep it close and near the statue today virtually eliminating all running this morning. I laid out the pain station cards and then explained the Lazy Dora to the Pax. Red Cards were the activity and the Blue cards were the active rest position. While your Battle Buddy did the Red card you performed the Blue card and then you would switch. Simple enough for anyone to follow. The goal is to complete 100 of each red card as a team. Each member does a total of 50 of the exercise HOWEVER, they are completed 10 at a time. This is where you raise the intensity by switching back and forth between Red cards and the Blue cards which are the “Lazy” in the Dora.

Here are the cards.

Red Cards:

Station 1: Lt Dan

Station 2: Shoulder Tap Merkins

Station 3: Flutter Kicks

Station 4: Bulgarian Ball Busters

Station 5: Carolina Dry Docks

Station 6: LBCs


Blue Cards:

Station 1: Electric Chair

Station 2: Plank

Station 3: “PLF” Parachute Landing Fall

Station 4: Nancy Kerrigan

Station 5: Over Head Hand Claps

Station 6: Shawshank Redemption


The Thang

We paired up, got the tunes rock’n and picked stations to start on. QIC paired up with Puck and started at Station 1 while Clutch and Slater took the easy route and started at station 6. We ran the stations in ascending order so 1 went to 6 and 6 went to 5 then 4 then 3, etc. The beatdown took all of 35 minutes to complete one round so with 10 minutes left we lower the reps to 10 per station and rinse and repeat the cycle finishing at exactly 0600. Sweaty, tired, shoulders and thighs are feeling blasted the Pax enjoyed the morning beating and no one missed the running.



  • Upcoming charity runs
  • Savage Race in November start training and sign up
  • August Q Schedule is now available – step up and lead!
  • Ronald McDonald House event scheduled for September 9th

Praise and Prayers

  • First Responders
  • Military serving around the world

As always I am grateful to be surrounded by so many HIMs and the F3 family reminding me that are is a lot to be thankful for and, that you make the day special. Go out and make it special for those around you. Be kind, be helpful, listen and smile today when your out and about and with your loved ones, it will be paid forward.

As always Embrace the Suck and till next time, Coop out, Airborne!