The Low Country Buffet

QIC: Capt Ron

Weather: A cool 73* with approx. 500% humidity

PAX: Wolverine, Pincher, Posh, Crab Cakes, Olympus, Stage Coach, Lancelot, Chili Pepper, McNugget, Trump, Goob, Big Mac, Sniper, Aqua Man, Brutus, Mr. Clean, Ripken, Bing, Manziel.

The Low Country Buffet

20 HIM arrived early this morning to dine at the Low Country Buffet, chock full of some of Charleston’s favorite activities; Intro followed by disclaimer, and the 5 core principles.


  • SSH 25 IC
  • Strawberry Pickers 10 IC
  • Imperial Walkers 10 IC
  • Toy Soldiers 10 IC
  • Short Loop Mosey

The Thang:

  • Hand Release Merkins 15 IC
  • SSH 25 IC
  • Hot Chick Squats, 20 IC
  • Short Loop Mosey
  • Nightmares 20 IC
  • SSH 25 IC
  • 1 Arm Plank Jacks

** Realizing Suncoast F3 brought their A-Game, I called an audible, it was time to whip out the big guns and introduce the PAX to some fan favorites…

  • In groups of 3s, PAX 1 took a turn doing a “Sh!t Brick” slide for about 100’ where PAX 2 was planked up, anxiously awaiting their turn, PAX 2 then took their turn to return said “Sh!t Bricks” back the 100’ to PAX 3 who was SSHing and anxiously awaiting their turn… Rinse and repeat three times.

Not seeing the desired fatigue from these HIM, time to whip out the ol’ Salmon Drag…

  • Forming 4 lines behind the 4 blocks brought out, the PAX did a bear crawl, whilst dragging said block, down and back 100’… The awaiting PAX were directed to SSH until their turn… Some modified, some went rogue….

** Back to the normal Thang:

  • Box Cutter Break Downs, all IC
    • 10 Hello Dolly’s
    • 6”
    • 10 Rosalita’s
    • 6”
    • 10 Flutter Kicks
    • 6”
    • 10 Leg Lifts
    • 6”
  • Short Loop Mosey
  • Wonder Bra’s 15 IC
  • Pole Taps 20 IC
  • 8- Count Body Builders
  • American Hammers 10 IC
  • Merkins 15 IC

Count off for 20 HIM followed by Name O’Rama

COT: The blessing that is, F3. I moved down here not knowing anyone, but I reached out over Instagram and was instantly welcomed. Having brothers all across the country is a sense of security, knowing that if there are brothers around, there is that instant connection. I’ve been here for less than 2 weeks and already feel right at home (provided the PAX don’t boot me back to Charleston).

Prayers for Chris, Jeff and Steve in their recovery. Prayers for Mr. Clean’s son. Prayers for this country in that we can unite and recover from the events of recent.


Happy Birthday McNugget!!