The Ladder

Weather 78 degrees with an almost full moon and a little less humid.

As the Pax began to arrive at the AO there was a little mumble chatter as to who was Q for the beat down.  As we were stretching and bantering back and forth, we noticed a flashing light approaching us from the entrance to the parking lot-it was Bing our fearless leader who had gone for a pre beat down run. Once the clock struck “go time” the disclaimer was given along with the 5 core principles

Warm up- Mosey two laps around the parking lot with the usual butt kickers, high knees and Carioca X2.  Circled up and continued with SSH-25IC, Strawberry pickets-15IC, Windmills-15IC and Imperial walkers-15IC.

The Thang

the Pax was informed that the beat down was one we had done before and was brought back by popular demand-Well maybe 1 or 2 requested.  Due to the darkness, my flashlight was used to illuminate of exercises.  The list was as follows:

1) SSH-20

2) Overhead claps-20

3) Squats-20

4) LBC-20

5) Carolina Dry Docks-20

6) Lunges-10 per leg

7) American hammers-20 (count on 1side)

8) Merkins-20

9) Burpees-10

10) Peter Parkersburg-10 per leg

The beatdown starts with the first exercise- 20 SSH then run a lap around the parking lot.  Then do the first and second exercise- 20 SSH and 20 Overhead claps and run a lap, then 20 SSH, 20 Overhead claps, 20 Squats-well you get the picture. The goal was to continue until the ladder was complete and all 10 were done.  Great job Chili Pepper and Pincher for leading the way.  With two minutes remaining on time the Pax ran a slow warm down lap around the parking lot finishing the beatdown as a team  Great work by all!!

Announcements: Pinchers fellowship, upcoming July 4th Cesaup,guest Q coming and Lutz Pax convergence on our AO.

Prayer requests- Papa Smurf for trip with wife, our injured and missing Pax, Chili Pepper family on a missions trip.