The Hangover, Part F3

Weather: 77 and sunny

Against their better judgment, 16 pax gathered at Adventure Park for what was billed as a Vegas-inspired beatdown.  After going over the core principles and disclaimers, the mozi lead us to the hockey rink for a COP that included strawberry pickers, windmills, imperial walkers and side straddle hops (21 reps in the last exercise to go with the Vegas theme).

YHC then explained that today’s exercises would recognize some of the people and places that we all love about Las Vegas (or at least did before the start of this beatdown).  First up was a new, Manziel-invented exercise called the Vegas ATM. It’s a mash up of the traditional ATM, Mike Tysons, and Floyd Mayweathers (all of thier connections to Vegas should be obvious). The routine went like this:

  • alternating shoulder taps (7 each side)
  • Mike Tysons (3)
  • Floyd Mayweathers (7 each side)

Repeat that sequence 7 times. Easy, peasy!  The heavy use of the number 7 was in line with today’s theme.

We then moved to the basketball courts for our salute to a Vegas stalwart of the 70s and 80s, Jimmy the Greek. In the old days, the Greeks, of course, had a bunch of gods so our exercises consisted of:

  • flying sun gods (21 rotations on each leg)
  • moon gods (21 rotations on each leg)
  • Captain Thor (up to 7 sit ups with 28 American hammers)

And yes, YHC is fully aware that Thor was one of the few non-Greek gods, but we had to get some core work in this thing somehow.  It was then time to recognize the Luxor resort at the south end of the Strip, which also required going deep into the F3 playbook. We did Walk Like an Egyptian followed by Sphinx Merkins (if you weren’t here, look them up on the F3 website).

Next it was time to play blackjack, which in this case was an even more irritating version than the one where the house only pays you 6 to 5 on a blackjack.  Start on one sideline, do 1 merkin, run to the other sideline and do 20 LBCs. Run back to where you started, do 2 merkins, run to the other side and do 19 LBCs, and so on until reaching the 20:1 merkin to LBC ratio. Not much mumble chatter by this point.

With a few minutes left, we dialed it back by doing 11s (like blackjack but only counting to 11 total reps on each set) consisting of squats and overhead claps.  We stretched out at the end with a set of 7 windmills, but the cadence on these were not as sharp as they were at the start of the workout, for some reason.

After count-o-rama and name-o-rama, we welcomed our one FNG, Astro, to the pax.


  • Mud Titan and Fort Hamer Bridge run are both next Saturday.  Scrum is on Q for anyone going to Adventure Park.
  • Siesta Key red tide triathlon on September 22
  • Care 2 Tri – November 3
  • 2nd F announcements – Happy hour at Pinchers on the 26th, also planning an outing to Tex’s new place (Grand Cru in downtown Sarasota)

Prayers and Praises:

  • Bing’s sister in law
  • Pincher’s  wife
  • Friend of ShamWow recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer
  • All the locals whose business has been impacted by red tide (get out and support them)
  • Praises for F3 Suncoast having very strong 3rd F activity, and for those leading the way on this front

A few pax noted the lack of music during today’s beatdown, so I leave you with this classic:


