The Detroit Grand

12 Strong at 5:15 for a Detroit style beatdown.

Weather: (Its Florida)

Ripken and Sparky ate their Wheaties this morning and went for a mile warm up jog to get the blood flowing in preparation for the beatdown.

As always, the festivities began with the core principles and disclaimer. The workout started with a mosey that included butt-kickers, high-knees, carioca, and finished with a nur.


The PAX circled up, curious how they do it in ‘The D’, and they were about to find out…

  • SSH – 20 IC
  • Windmills – 10 IC
  • Strawberry Pickers – 10 IC
  • Merkins – 20 IC
  • American Hammers – 10 IC
  • Flutter Kicks – 10 IC

The Thang

Time to partner up if we are venturing into ‘The D’. You can never be too careful, always be on the lookout for Bears, Devils, Giants and Bulls. While one partner took a patrol shift around the parking lot, the other partner worked to achieve the Detroit Grand. Partners changed shifts after each lap. The Detroit Grand consisted of:

  • 100 Burpees
  • 200 Air Squats
  • 300 LBCs
  • 400 Moroccan Night Clubs

The beatdown was serenaded by Detroit rock music legends that included: Ted Nugent, Eminem, Kiss, and Bob Seger. This must have provided proper motivation as all PAX were successful in surviving the Detroit beatdown.


F3 Outreach opportunity – March 10 – 11 We are helping renovate the kitchen of a church building that is used to feed several hundred people regularly. The current condition of the kitchen and cooking supplies is very poor. We need half-dozen guys each day, Saturday and Sunday to help with tear-out and paint (Saturday) and build (Sunday). We also would like to provide them with commercial cooking pots / pans etc. If you can help or donate, please contact Ripken:


It is our prayer this week that you express love to everyone. Remember that jerk that cut you off in traffic, those people at the office that are hard to get along with, they are the 2nd most important people in the world. God’s only son died for them too, just as he died for you. God loves them just as much as he loves you. Even though these people are not currently on your Christmas card list, pray for them and love them anyway.

Congratulations to all of you. It was truly a privilege to lead all of you in this Detroit beatdown. Have a great week and see you next time in the gloom!
