Still No Respect

49 only comes around once in a lifetime, but then again, so do all the other numbers.  Before you know it, next year will be here, and I’ll be getting all the “Respect” a man could want…just ask Sniper, Big Mac, Lancelot, Brutus or any of the other old farts trying to avoid “moobs.”

Crabcakes, Bing, Ripken, Cottontail, Olympus and Gridlock headed off with a pre-run.  Gridlock and Mr. Clean did some sort of financial exchange in the dark reaches of the parking lot…both came away smiling.

Time was short, so the 5 core principle were noted and the mission statement, in it’s condensed version, was stated…”You suck, but you’re getting better.”  Time was short so a Nozy was called.  This is a simply a Mozy, but you go nowhere.

Since it was a birthday celebration, there was a need to commemorate this with a Ripken tradition.  Bing gladly avoided all exercise in order to operate the camera.  Check it out. Ripken ripped off 49 pushups like he was on fire.  Gator got his 10 in.  Others were a variety of flip, flop and fly.  Some finished, but ShamWow led the charge knocking out 78 Girkins just to show us who was boss.

The “meat” was a timed interval event of 7 rounds, with 7 reps of everything.  For those math challenged Pax, 7×7=49.  Each set lasted five minutes.  7 Broad Jumps and a short run after each set of reps.

Set 1-Merkins & Getups (do 7 of each, then 7 broad jumps, run around light and back), repeat

Set 2-Carolina Dry Docks & Big Boy Situps

Set 3-L-sits (they suck) & Side Jack Knives

Set 4-Side Straddle Hops & LBCs

Set 5-Heels to Heaven and Moroccan Night Clubs

Set 6-Peter Parkers & Bobby Hurleys

Set 7-Burpees & Mountain Ripscats

This elapsed all our time and all were exasperated fully. Yukon noted that his olfactory senses were fully engaged, and his smeller was working good too. Goob and Chili Pepper got the broad jump award for leaping 6.536147 feet on each jump.  Given that Olympus did this in the OLYMPICS, this was quite a letdown to get beat by Protestants. Posh tried to cheer him up with the Queen’s language, but to no avail.

Prayers for all those in the Bahamas affected by Dorian, family members dealing with sickness and some school kids having a rough go starting the new year.

Thanks for helping me bring in age 49 with a bang…or at least with a sloppy, sweaty pavement quief.

Ripken out.