Running Day

Weather: Muggy and upper 70s

QIC: Bing

Pax: Bing, Goob, Deep Dish, ShamWow, Jimmy Dean, Rowdy

Another strong showing at Ft. Hamer on this fine gloom.  Achy legs for Bing and Goob and the threat of a 7:15 – 7:30 5.5 mile run by Crabcakes made for a hard to un-fartsack gloom.  All battled through, only to find out that our fearless leader is still battling a slight fever.  While we aren’t happy to hear of a sick pax, we weren’t disappointed to modify his suggested plan and slow things down a tad…and we did.

Rowdy, ShamWow and Jimmy Dean hit the bridge for some repeats/Rowdy beatdown style.  All the talk of PRs evaporated from last week to sheer survival of the fittest this week.

Goob, Deep Dish and YHC hit the loop that included much discussion of parties that Deep Dish attended, Chicago neighborhoods and donuts.  Whatever it took to keep our minds off of the humidity and aches and pains.

Saddened to hear of the fate of Lambeau’s van battery – you were missed in the gloom bud! Wait, is that Lambeau with 2 other late comers entering the parking lot on foot….nope, three ladies heading their way out for a run of some sort,

The beatdown ended with COT and lots of mumble chatter.


  • Clearwater launch on 9/7
  • Ronald McDonald House on 9/9
  • Rusty Bucket was last night (just thought we should announce that seeing it was never announced but about 4 hours prior.


  • Prayers for co-workers/friends of Jimmy Dean on losing their mothers (3 in total)
  • Prayers for strength for Rowdy, all day, every day!
  • Prayers for Rowdy’s dad going into a rehabilitation center to get his strength back
  • Prayers for anyone in the path of Dorian.

Always an honor to lead, even if I find out about it as I’m leaving the house.  Granted a run AO is rather easy to lead.

~Bing Out