Run, Stop, Drop, Repeat

Weather: 77F and 88% humidity – not a drop of rain fell, finally

QIC: Lambeau

Pax In Attendance: Ripkin, Chili Pepper, Sniper, Crabcakes, Manziel, Goob, Bing, Big Mac, ShamWow, Wilson, Rowdy

This morning’s activities started off at 5:15 with a review of the Core Principles of F3 and a disclaimer. Big Mac and Rowdy just missed out on this so they were penalized with some Burpees. Chili Pepper joined them just because he could. We took a two lap mosey around the parking lot with high knees, carioca x2 and butt kickers on the first lap. Off in the distances was an eerie green glow that some pax spotted; it was a foreshadow of the suck that would soon come.


  • 15 SSH, IC
  • 10 Agitators, each side OYO
  • 8 Hill Billy Walkers, IC
  • 10 Strawberry Pickers, IC
  • Arm circles, small to large, front to back
  • 10 Windmills, IC

Thang – Glow Stick Run

Inspired by the speed bump runs of old, today we were going to go through the same motions while avoiding the agitation of the neighbors. YHC had set up a flashlight/instruction sheet in the parking lot, 3 glow sticks (1 each at various points) along the path to the dog park and a final flashlight/instruction sheet at the dog park entrance. Our task was simple: perform the prescribed  exercises at the first flash light then run to the dog park, performing the same exercises at each glow stick and at the final flashlight. The sheet outlined what should be performed while waiting for the 6. Move to the next exercise group on the sheet for the return run. Mumble chatter during all this fun included some bemoaning about Rowdy being left off the invite list to swimming pool parties. Excuses were listed off as to why this is, but I personally think this is due to concerns about his propensity to baptize or perhaps concerns he may try to walk across the water’s surface or even part it.

Exercises performed:

  • Out – 20 each Mountain Climbers/ LBC’s, plank for the 6
  • Back – 10 each Toy Soldiers/Burpees, SSH for the 6
  • Out – 20 each American Hammers/Squats, Moroccan Night Clubs for the 6
  • Back – 20 each Merkins/Monkey Humpers, Plank for the 6

With time running out, we ran a lap around the parking lot for the last set, stopping at each corner for the exercises – 20 each Carolina Dry Docks/Flutter Kicks.

Six O’Clock ticked by just as we finished the lap.



  • Ronald McDonald House on Sept. 9th
    • The sign-up sheet is out
    • The plan is to meet at Menchie’s and clown car over
  • Tomorrow’s bike AO will welcome all-comers with all types of bi-pedal devices


  • Rowdy is thankful for the showing of support for his missionary work
  • Sniper mentioned yesterday’s message from John Maxwell at Bayside Community Church
    • Whats mine is not mine, but I will manage it the best I can

Prayer Requests:

  • Ripkin’s father-in-law
  • Wilson’s wife
  • Rowdy’s mom and dad

Apparently YHC was so beat down, I couldn’t remember all the prayer requests. No matter, there were 11 guys in close proximity to remind me.

Thanks all for participating,

Lambeau out.