Rotten to the Core #2

Started off with a unplanned “quick” mile pre-bootcamp run at 5:05am with Ripken, Bing and Mr. Clean when we got to the parking lot early.

Was a nice PAX of 10 on a Wed morning.

Started off with a Mosy around the Parking Lot doing some High Knees, Skips and Karaoke’s.

We circled up for a round of

10 Strawberry Pickers

10 SSH’s

10 ??? ( I know we did a 3rd one) 🙂

We headed off to the basketball courts to do some Core workouts and some running.

We ran from the end line of one basketball court to the far end line and continued to the far end of the second basketball court stopping at each end line to do each of these exercises 3 times. Once on each end line.

20 Reverse Crunches (60 total)

10 (each side) Side Planks Hip Raisers (60 Total)

20 Butterfly Sit Ups (60 total)

20 Mountain Climbers (60 total)

20 Flutters  (60 total)


Time to work on Arms and Shoulders

Rounds of 11’s while running ONLY the length of 1 basketball court

Carolina Dry Docks and Merkins

Squats and Moroccan Night Clubs

Bing didn’t think we were hurting enough so he led us in some Jack’s Webb


Only a few minutes left so we heading back to parking lot and did

10 Michael Jordan’s

10 SSH’s

10 Imperial Walkers


Reminder about Night To Shine on Friday

Prayer for our PAX friends and family that are hurting and ill.

Prayers for our troops that are protecting us.