Rolling in HOT for my first Q

13 Regular hard core suncoast Pax, 1 VQ from Virginia and 1 visitor from  Charlotte  NC.

Mosey to field for:

10 cherry pickers

10 LBCs

20 SSHs

10 LBCs

Mosey in the pitch dark to the picnic table for 3 rounds of jump around 25 than 25 decline merkins and to finish it off 25 LBCs.  We did a half mile mosey to warm us up plus it was dark and I was lost.

Mosey to the poles for a pole smokin- heals to haven- run.

Ran to the parking lot for lucky 11s  1 burpee than lunge to the curb for 11 jump squats as the Pax worked their way through this evolution I call a audible for to change the lucky 11s to the Lucky horse shoe the exercises stayed the same but we ran around the parking lot instead of lunging.

With 2 minutes remaining on the clock I didn’t want to sandbag the time so we lined up and ran with the flag until the clock struck 6am.

I am not sure how many miles we clocked but I was shooting for 2.

On my way home I something come flying out of a pickup truck and one of our Pax members turned on his lights to help this guy out.  Nice work Zeus!!! but I think he was throwing the water at me he must have known that being new to Florida I was dehydrated.

COT:   Men I am eternally grateful to Q a new PAX and new home with a great crew here.   I entered f3 three years ago feeling so isolated by my business success, family and shrinking circle of friends.   I felt that the men that I was meeting I had no real connection nor did we talk about anything meaningful.  Add to the problem we as men are taught to share whats going on or express any REAL feelings and its a perfect formula to burn your life down.

Enter F3 I felt so connected to other men that wanted to grow a better version themselves, have fun and support each other.  These were the connects I had only made once before the Marine Corps.  Thanks again men for giving me the honor to lead today!!!

Flashdance   over and out