Pretty calm, semi-muggy morning in the gloom of Bayside South . Pax of 5 came and experienced the roll out of “Roadblock”, a game i have devised and put out there for development by the pax.

My VISION is to promote High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout options. My mode of PERSUASION was the game, Roadblock. I am trying to “get right” in the use of ARTICULATION and used this event to practice that skill (I still need more). Exhortation comes natural for our pax and there was plenty.

The Vision is to create a workout centered around a game to help motivate through the crap we hate. For YHC, its running.

I do love to compete (Tennis Anyone? Doubles preferred) and i think a vast majority of us do too. It gives us a chance to use and develop the necessary leadership skills of vision, articulation, persuasion, exhortation (VAPE).

Quick warm up followed by a short tour of the course. Feedback came at the end that we should have done some practice/example round here.

Split into two teams, Red & Blue. Paired up within the teams for the game (except that there was just five of us, so you do the math).

The basic routine was a Dora style with one runner and one pax staying at home to do exercises. The at home pax could do squats or lunges. each whole set of 25 would earn them 1 point (the team with three pax had two stay home and 50 count was 1 point). The runner had 4 routes to choose. the first and shortest route was burpee lane. the second was Merkin Ave, third LBC Way and fourth was the Freeway. along each segment there was placed a card. that card could be green, at which you get a free pass and can continue quickly along your way. if it was red, you hit a roadblock and had to do 10 reps of the corresponding street name. There was no card placed on the freeway but it was the longest route.

Each pax starts with a red or green card and would swap with whatever card he would come to thus an ever changing course. Each loop ran scored 1 point.

Hockey season demands three periods, only 8 minutes long with a 2 minute breather while scores each period are tallied.

Finished up with a circle, but our exhaustion led to forgetting namarama. Nonetheless Papa Smurf & Condenser are the reigning champs of roadblock taking down Snap Shot, Trane & No Pressure for the inaugural event.