Ringing in 2018 – Word of the Year

Weather – 61 with a clear view of the full moon.

Arriving back home from a New Years party at 1:15am, the thought to fartsack was strong!  VERY strong as I lay in bed unable to fall asleep.  Knowing the men of the gloom would be awaiting, I started mapping out all of the options to nap through-out the day.  Alarm rang at 4:25 and up I went.  I wouldn’t want to start the year out ANY other way!!

With 4 solid HIM committed to getting stronger, we took off for a 2 lap mosey including Carioca x2, butt kickers and high knees.  We circled (or squared) up for COP which included:

  • 20 IC – SSH
  • 18 IC – Windmills
  • 20 IC – Moroccan Night Clubs
  • 18 IC – Strawberry Pickers
  • 20 IC – Mountain Climbers
  • 18 IC – Flutter Kicks

The Thang

Life is full of speed bumps, but there is always a new beginning. With this in mind, we headed off to the entrance road and executed exercises at each speed bump (6 in total).  20 – Merkins/ 18 Flutter Kicks.

Once at the end of the road, we ran hot laps, stopping at each lap to countdown from 20, alternating between squats and Moroccan Night Clubs.

With enough time to head back to the starting point, we stopped at 3 speed bumps along the way for Pax Choice exercises including the following:

  • 20 SSH/18 Imperial Walkers – Mr. Clean led
  • 20 Mountain Climbers/18 Oblique thingies – 6Pack led
  • 20 Carolina Dry Docks/18 Plank Count (2 count IC) – Amazon led

The pace between speed bumps became increasingly faster and faster on the way back, possibly because Wawa Coffeeteria was on all of our minds, or because we are looking to become stronger and faster in 2018.

With just enough time left, the pax completed a round of Mary including Homer to Marge, American Hammers, Flutter Kicks and Heels to Heaven.

2018 – New Beginnings

A new year always brings the opportunity to set new goals, resolutions, or just provide yourself with a gut check on where you stand, and where you want to be.  The pax took the opportunity to discuss their goals for the year by choosing 1 word to characterize their hopes/expectations for 2018.  The following words were shared:

  1. Growth – Personally, professionally and as a father.  Also growth of F3 in Lakewood Ranch and beyond.
  2. Patience/Courage – (we know, thats two words, but hey, two is better than none).  Patience in dealing with challenges at work, home (moving 2x in a year) and with family.  Courage to show strength in times of need, supporting the family during his mothers cancer treatment.
  3. Home – Finding home.  Always making sure to find that inner happiness and peace within, so he can become a stronger father and husband.  Take time to reflect and learn from peers/mentors, especially his father.
  4. Balance – find balance in life between family, work, exercise and actions!

We challenge all of you to come up with the 1 word that describes your 2018 and be prepared to share at your upcoming bootcamps, so we can all hold you accountable to it.


  • Prayers of support and strength to hold true to our Word of the Year through-out the entire year
  • Prayers for YHC’s sister in law
  • Prayers for Mr. Clean’s mother
  • Prayers for Amazon’s father


  • Ringling Bridge Run – 1 week from Saturday – sign up