QSource | Q2.3 Missionality

QSource | Q2.3 Missionality

Weather | 86° F | Humidity 70% | Wind: 9mph SW

This week’s assignment was: Q2.3: Missionality. This was the first week we started to review QSource after the beatdown. We have now transitioned into our next book study, Fathering Like the Father before the beatdowns. Due to too much fellowship, we did not get much reviewing done of QSource at WaWa. Therefore, we will cover 2 sections next Saturday: 2.3 Missionality and 2.4 Positive Habit Transfer.

Q2.3 | Missionality


Serving In The High Impact Zone


2 Peter 1:10 (NIV) Therefore, my brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election. For if you do these things, you will never stumble,


  • Should a man keep trying new things in order to be Happy?
  • How does a man know where his IMPACT will be greatest?
  • What happens if a man does not stay Missional?


The comfort zone (and the need to expand it) is a cultural myth that encourages men to be in-Effective

  • The cultural notion of the Comfort Zone is the province of those too fearful or selfish to expand their own horizons.
  • Not only should people not depart from their place of highest productivity (where they work with the most ease and familiarity), but that they should actually seek to work more deeply within it.
  • This place of highest productivity is the High IMPACT Zone (the HIZ) where a person’s forcible contact has the strongest effect.
  • To work more deeply within their HIZ a person must continually Practice to improve their Skill.
  • The man who is constantly trying new things to answer Goo Nation’s call to stay out of his Comfort Zone is an Amateur, ruled by reactive emotion rather than proactive Preparedness.

A HIM’s Mission marks the boundaries of his High Impact Zone

  • Missionality is Service in the High Impact Zone
  • To Live Right, a HIM must exert the majority of his efforts to Serve within his personal HIZ.
  • A man’s Task is formed by what F3 calls his Dolphin and his Daffodil.
  • The Dolphin represents each man’s unique gift, the Daffodil represents the people-category that a man is born to Serve.
  • The HIM has a good grasp on both his Dolphin and his Daffodil, and spends most of his time working at the point where they intersect, which we call the D2X.
  • D2X: the sweet spot that is at the dead center of a man’s High Impact Zone

The HIM uses Preparedness to resist straying from his Mission

  • The powerful results a HIM produces working within his HIZ creates a challenge to his Missionality because his IMPACT within the Groups he Serves will soon result in requests that
    he undertake Tasks that range far outside of his D2X.
  • No matter how compelling the underlying need sounds, the HIM should quickly and firmly decline to do so:
    • He will disappoint the asker
    • He will deny service to his own Daffodil
    • He will box out the right HIM
    • Ultimately, it will be a Joyless experience
  • Saying no to Tasks outside of one’s D2X is an act of discipline in the face of significant external pressure to do otherwise


  • The Comfort Zone (and the need to expand it) is a cultural myth that encourages men to be in-Effective
  • A HIM’s Mission marks the boundaries of his High Impact Zone
  • The HIM uses Preparedness to resist straying from his Mission

Homework for 6/15

Thoughts for the week:

  • Can you learn to do things right from a man who does things wrong?
  • What is the purpose of building positive Habits?
  • What is the purpose in passing positive Habits on to others?