Psycho Bunny Challenge

Weather: 55-degrees and sunny.

9 HIM relinquished the fartsack, shaking off the cobwebs, and posting in the dewy Gloom for a morning of pain.  Bing, who is out with scabies, scurvy, or some other weird-sounding thing that starts with the letter S was kind enough to drop-in to deliver the Shovel Flag.  Chili Pepper posted early for a pre-workout mosey and returned on time–he’s a new man.  Rebar and ShamWow both paid tribute to the “old school” Chili Pepper era by posting fashionably late.  YHC gathered and welcomed the PAX, providing the F3 disclaimer and querying the PAX, successfully, on the 5 Core Principles of F3.

The PAX started with 2 laps at a conversational pace around the Adventure Park parking lot.  Butt kickers, carioca, and high knees were incorporated into the warm-up mosey.  Paying homage to Tex’s VQ from the prior week, YHC layered-in lunge walks and toy soldiers.

YHC led the PAX to the basketball court.  As is typical with a Recall Q, a lot of weird stuff was strewn across the area: cones, basketballs, hundreds of Easter eggs, Easter baskets, a scoreboard with rabbits on it, and something that resembled a Hangman board.  The PAX bewilderingly circled-up.


YHC led a light, stretching-based warm-up:

  • SSH – 20 IC
  • Leg Stretches – Alternating L & R – 2 times
  • Florida Strawberry Pickers – 10 IC
  • Shoulder Stretches – Alternating L & R – 2 times
  • Triceps Stretch – Alternating L & R – 2 times
  • Wrist Stretch – Alternating L&R – 2 times
  • Flutter Kicks – 20 IC
  • American Hammer – 10 IC
  • Overhead Claps – 10 IC

The Thang

Psycho Bunny’s NCAA Bracket was busted and he’s still pretty pissed about it.  Psycho Bunny sought vengeance and, for some odd reason, he decided that F3 Lakewood Ranch needed to pay retribution.  He created a Challenge, featuring three games of pain for the PAX to play head-to-head.  The victors would receive prizes of unspeakable value, while the losers would suffer the embarrassment of defeat for all eternity.

The PAX counted off into 2’s and were divided into 2 separate teams: Team Bugs Bunny and Team Energizer Bunny.  Team Bugs Bunny consisted of JuCo, Scrum, Chili Pepper, and Scuba Steve.  Team Energizer Bunny consisted of Backdraft, Pincher, Rebar, ShamWow, and YHC.

YHC explained the format of the Psycho Bunny Challenge:

  • Three games would be played: Rotten Egg Hunt, Bunny Jumble, and Bracket Ball Buster
  • Each round lasts 8-minutes, followed by a 2-minute water break
  • Total Team Scores would be tabulated at the end of round
  • 4 rounds total and the team with the most points at the end of the Psycho Bunny Challenge wins

Following, YHC reviewed the layout and rules for each of the 3 games within the Psycho Bunny Challenge:

Rotten Egg Hunt

Cones were spread out 30-yards apart from one another.  At the end cones, Psycho Bunny had planted rotten eggs.  Inside of each rotten egg was an individual exercise and an interval.  Exercises included Burpees, Merkins, Leg Lunges, Peter Parkers, Side Straddle Hops, Mountain Climbers, Shoulder Taps, Imperial Walkers, Monkey Humpers, Squats, American Hammers, Leg Lunges, Leg Lifts, Plank Jacks, LBCs, Overhead Claps, Flutter Kicks, Moroccan Night Clubs, Big Arm Circles, Little Baby Arm Circles, Windshield Wipers, Freddie Mercurys, Carolina Dry Docks, Jump Squats, and Stand In Place Toy Soldiers. Intervals ranged from 10 to 20.

The team lines-up across the Exercise line.  At “GO”, the first HIM runs to the egg field and selects a rotten egg.  The Runner then opens the egg, calling out the exercise and the interval to his teammates.  The team completes the exercise while the Runner returns to the exercise line, placing the rotten egg in Psycho Bunny’s basket.  When the team completes their exercise, the next Runner goes.  Rinse and repeat until time expires.  At conclusion, eggs in the basket would be counted and scored.  1 egg = 1 point.

Psycho Bunny Jumble

Cones were spread out 70 yards from one another.  At the end line was an Easter basket filled with 14 eggs.  Inside of each egg was a Letter, as well as an exercise.  Exercises included Side Straddle Hops, Merkins, Moroccan Night Clubs, Monkey Humpers, LBCs, Flutter Kicks, Squats, Overhead Claps, Plank, Burpees, American Hammer, Imperial Walkers, Mountain Climbers, and Windshield Wipers.

The team lines-up across the Exercise line.  At “GO”, the team Side Straddle Hops, while the first Runner sprints to the Easter basket, selects an egg, and sprints back.  Upon return, the Runner opens the egg, and writes the egg’s letter onto the Bunny Jumble Board’s Letter Bank.  The Runner then calls out the egg’s exercise.  Runner 2 then goes while the team performs the exercise called-out by Runner 1.  The exercise is continued until the next Runner returns with a new exercise and letter.  Rinse and repeat until time expires.  At conclusion, eggs collected would be counted and scored.  1 egg = 1 point.  If the team successfully solves the 14-letter Jumble phrase, the team would earn 10 bonus points.  Brain versus Brawn, I suppose.

Bracket Ball Buster

A game designed by Psycho Bunny to remind us that we are no longer living in our high school “Glory Days” and that we have, in fact, transformed into embarrassingly uncoordinated middle-aged men.  The rules of this game are pretty simple:  you can shoot a foul shot, or you can shoot a 3-pointer.  If you MAKE your shot, count the basket and the next HIM shoots.  If you MISS your shot, the whole team completes 10 reps of an exercise, rotating between Merkins, Overhead Claps, and Monkey Humpers.  Psycho Bunny selected these exercises to turn arms and legs into Jello before the next shot.  Following the 10-reps, it’s the next HIM’s turn to shoot.  If 3 consecutive shots are missed, the entire team has to complete a suicide.   Keep rotating shooters and rinse and repeat until time expires.  Total points earned would be tallied at the completion of the round.  A made foul shot equals 1-point, while a made 3-point shot equals…figure it out, Einstein!

Round 1

Team Bugs Bunny played the Rotten Egg Hunt, while Team Energizer Bunny played Bunny Jumble.  Eight minutes of pain was inflicted on both teams, who were pretty well gassed by the end of the round.  At conclusion, Team Bugs Bunny collected 14 eggs from the Rotten Egg field.  Team Energizer Bunny was able to collect 10 Eggs from the Easter Basket, but failed to solve the 14-letter Bunny Jumble puzzle: CARROTS ARE GOOD!

Advantage Team Bugs Bunny: 14 to 10

Round 2

Teams faced off at opposite ends of the basketball court.  JuCo clearly played hoops at a younger stage in his life, as he was dropping J’s steadily for Team Bugs Bunny.  Few others from either team made shots.  There was an unfortunate amount of running due to consecutive missed shots.  At conclusion, Team Bugs Bunny scored 7 points (in 8 minutes, mind you).  Awful.  Yet, Team Energizer Bunny managed to do worse, scoring a measly 3 points, thanks to a long range jumper from Rebar.  Team Energizer Bunny was successfully able to redefine “Junior Varsity”.  In fact, I doubt any of us could make a team at the YMCA.  YHC was hitting nothing but net every shot!  The problem, however, was that it was always the underside of the net.  I sucked.  We all sucked.  “F3 is open to all MEN” they say.  That post-Gloom mirror sure wasn’t fun to look at following this basketball travesty.  Psycho Bunny snacked on our embarrassment, smiling the entire time.

Advantage Team Bugs Bunny: 21 to 13

Round 3

Team Energizer Bunny played the Rotten Egg Hunt, while Team Bugs Bunny played Bunny Jumble.  What’s that you hear in the distance?  That’s a pink bunny pounding his drum with fervor.  The resurgence had begun!   At the conclusion of the round, Team Energizer Bunny collected 18 eggs from the Rotten Egg field.  Good sprints across the entire team led to their prowess at this game.  Team Bugs Bunny was able to collect 11 Eggs from their Easter basket (outperforming their opponent at the same game), but failed to solve the 14-letter Bunny Jumble puzzle: WASCALLY WABBIT!

Advantage Team Bugs Bunny: 32 to 31

Round 4

YHC let the PAX choose the game for the final round.  Bob Marley’s Redemption Song played faintly in the background as the PAX (still licking their wounds from Round 2) unanimously selected another go at Bracket Ball Buster.

Once again, teams faced off at opposite ends of the basketball court.  Scrum recommended that teams switch sides, which we did.  Teams squared off.  Team Energizer Bunny decided to play riskier basketball this go-around, shooting almost entirely from behind the arc.  Team Bugs Bunny appeared to play more conservatively this round, shooting a lot of free throws.  Strategy turned out to be key this round.

You should have seen Rebar this Round, folks…silky smooth from a distance.  Jim Nantz would have been proud.  YHC thought of renaming him Reggie Miller, but decided against it because he isn’t phallic looking enough.  Anyway, Rebar landed 2 3s and Backdraft assisted with a 3-pointer and a foul shot.  YHC’s shots were again all too short.  I must have mistaken the basket as my M’s sexual expectations…but I digress.  In the end, Team Energizer Bunny scored 10 points to Team Bugs Bunny’s 8.

Final Verdict: Team Energizer Bunny 41 / Team Bugs Bunny 40.  Prizes of unspeakable value were handed-out: Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs.  Calories out, calories in?



  1. Do not miss next week’s 1-year anniversary/convergence at Adventure Park – bring your 2.0 and/or a FNG
  2. Man Up Shirts will soon be available for purchase.  Looked like 100% interest…split on colors.
  3. 2nd F event at Pincher’s LWR this Wednesday evening.  Backdraft to blast out start time.
  4. Polled PAX on a 2nd F campout at Lake Manatee State Park – very high level of interest.  We’ll get this moving.

Prayer Requests:

  • Continued healing for Bing.


  • Props to Chili Pepper for the great music during today’s beat down!

Great job today, crew!

