Cut Short

YHC grabbed this Q 2 days prior, but then found out one day prior that an early arrival at work would be required and had to be home by 6:45.…

Wednesdays are for Tabata

It was a balmy gloom this morning for 5 pax at Winn-Dixieland. 5 core principles and disclaimer were followed closely by a short mosey (butt-kickers, high knees, karaoke) and rolled…

Over the bridge and through the woods

Yamaha re-aggravated an injury, so the Q was open and YHC made it easy. Over the bridge, through the dark, spider web laden, wet sidewalk section into Waterlefe for 6ish…

Hopping Down the Bunny Trail

Weather: 69F, 85% humidity, perfect morning for some up-tempo running. Welcome: After a quick EC warm-up, YHC greeted the pax with the 5 core principles and obligatory disclaimer along with a quick…

MSU – Making “Stuff” Up

The Q expected a light showing due to the workout blasted about the other, lesser AO.  However, 9 hearty pax rose from their fartsack graves to make an appearance.  Hardly…

Head for the Hill (singular)

YHC arrived just a couple minutes before 6 with no other cyclists @ Wawa.  Suddenly 5 showed up all accumulating some EC with a 5AM start – nice work, men. …

On the Fly

Weather: Perfect Upon arrival, we were informed that our scheduled Q had jacked his car up..literally.  Somehow a jack was necessary to change a light bulb in his headlights.but I…

Not Your Typical Tuesday

Some of the typical Tuesday riders were out this week…No Enron, Crabcakes, or Bing. Due to their own reasons, they all got to miss an interesting gloom. YHC posted for…

Days old McDonald’s

Weather- summer muggy but dodged the thunder and lightning and rain.  So we got to run. At 5:14am and change, Goob started laying out the plan of the day.  As…

Merkin 515!

Lovely morning.. Get a beatdown on.  I am behind on merkins so I “solicited” my brothers to help me out.   A bit light on attendance but not on wiligness to…