Head, Shoulders, Knees, & Toes

A mild 63F at 7:00am – 5 core principles announced by the group, Gold Watch has a hurt shoulder socket, no FNG’s, warmorama began with mosey around building with exercise…

The Tugboat special edition

7:00a clear skies, 70F Tugboat welcomes pax to F3 and calls out the five core principles. Then he leads us on a brisk mosey around parking lot with Warmorama stations…

Iron Pax Challenge Week 3

Special thanks to Blade Runner for assisting with course setup and keeping time. 7am sharp 5 core principles announced with disclaimer and mission statement. With the 2 FNG’s introduced we…


It was dark for 7:00 AM…. Great time to accelerate.   Disclaimers and 5 core principles.  A quick mozy with toy soldier, Nur round of strawberry pickers, Michael  Phelps, and…

Coupons for Days w/ Emotional Ending

78 degrees and climbing w/ 96% humidity. 7:00 am – 5 Core Principals of F3 were given and Disclaimer was given. Warm-Up Mosey – Lap around the parking lot w/…

40 What???

Weather: 78 degrees / 88% humidity Trane’s 40th B-Day Beatdown!! 7:00 – 5 core principals and disclaimer was shared. Warmorama: After a mosey around the parking lot that included some…

Poker Face – VQ

“Poker Face” Trane VQ 80 + Degrees and 92% Humidity 7:00 am – Start 5 Core Principals of F3 were given. Disclaimer was given. MOSEY – Lap around the parking…

Wheel of Misfortune – Novelty Acts

YHC brought out the wheel with some unusual entries from the Exicon Free Open to all men Held outside rain or shine Led in a rotating fashion Ends in a…

Intro to Tabata

Week 2 at the Watchtower:  holding strong with 11 Pax, including four of last week’s FNGs.  Also had Grouper from the north side of Tampa.  By Heritage Harbour standards this…

Modify and Modify again

Weather: 69 I think..never checked but felt great. YHC learned last night that the lake trails at NBP are now fenced off due to construction, so the plan had to…