We are all Tabata

After some much needed rain yesterday afternoon, cooler/less humid temperatures welcomed the Pax this morning at Dixieland.  When YHC pulled into the parking lot, two cars were already present.  Bing…

The Grinder (Double Dora)

Pre-blast: None. PREP:  No time. WEATHER: warm-ish 5:15AM: 5 core F3 principles.  Welcome (back) to C-PAP – it’s been a hot minute! WARM UP: parking lot mosey with 2 stops…

Via Dolorosa, the Way of Suffering.

10:11 PM Lovely morning to share a beatdown but also some reflection with the PAX.  Disclaimer was uttered and 5 core principles announced.  No warm-o-rama today..  Today not only is…

The Merkin 500!!!

Crisp day here in Sarasota.  Path gathered at UTC Mall for a Chilipepper lead beatdown. I introduced myself and 5 Core Principles and disclosures were shared.   Mozy!!   A few…

Xmas Blimps

On a balmy 52 degree morning, Ripken was late to his Q.  It was his 2.0’s fault though.  Hollywood promised to attend, but had no idea what an alarm clock…

Losing the Q Virginity

Weather: 59F, cloudy, and awesome 18 Pax showed up to support my (Sonic Boom) VQ, even the Ruc guys stayed for the beatdown, it was great. Thank you, Chilipeper, Cavallino,…

Two Steps Forward….

Weather: Must’ve just rained cause everything was soggy…but who cares. Core and mission statement were reviewed and disclaimer was shared and the ruckers took off and the bootcampers headed for…


Isolation: the action of isolating : the condition of being isolated isolate noun iso·​late | ˈī-sə-lət , -ˌlāt also ˈi- Definition of isolate (Entry 3 of 3) 1: an…

1 Box, 4 Corners, 10 Coupons and 35 men

Conditions:  Dark, 78 and very humid….great for all the “respect” pax joints and muscles. Chore principals and disclaimers stated! Mozi: We jogged the bridge and included Nur, high knees,kerioke and more…

10 across the Board

Welcome to F3 : The Tuesday Tower 10 across the Board 5:16am Pax perplexed where YHC was, who was to be on Q, however arrived a minute late due to the…