Sweet Morning Dew

Warm, Wet Sunrise just right for a beatdown. 5 core principles announced, quick disclaimer while we waited for BigMac to finish getting dressed, and headed out. Trail run with warmorama…


This was one of Dasani’s last workouts with us before he heads to Atlanta. It was my first Q at the Bee Hive, so does that make it my BeeQ?…

Tribute for 21

78° and 87% humid 5 Core principles and disclaimer were given. At 5:15 Crabgrass and YHC took off on a short mosey down the street between the buildings.  We were…

Rampage of Grattitude

We started with a rampage of gratitude, warmed up, turned on some motivation (https://youtu.be/4yVCQoN1Ga4) and got to work! 3 rounds of: 10 burpees, 20 squats, 30 merkins, 40 flutter kicks,…

Not So Rainy After All

Warm-Up: Started with Mosey around the parking lot followed by Side Straddle Hops x20 Strawberry Pickers x15 Michael Phelps x15 Agitators x15 Lunge position each leg for 10 and switch…

Out Visited at the Bee Hive

73° and very nice morning. As YHC was setting up the course for today’s beatdown, many cars pulled in at about the same time.  And who got out of one…

Murph Practice

75° and humid. 5 core principles, and disclaimer were stated. YHC signed up for this Q on Monday with the intent of making it a Murph practice. The problem with…

MURPH training

73F humid No warmorama this time. Steel, Snapshot, and Sir Wallace launched from Dillard’s at 5:15a then met up with Spartan, Condensor, and Puddin at Bad Clown locale. MURPH training…

All Proper and Stuff

Mozy,  a round the rotunda.  High Knees, butt kickers, Nur..  Upon return we circled up and Thunder Struck.  SSH and burpee on Thunder.   We then reviewed a few basic…

4 corners… of urine?

Weather- Florida summer (yes I know it’s mid May); humid humid humid At 5:15am, YHC filling in for Crabcakes, laid out the 5 core principles, did not see an FNG,…