Foggy Dew

Weather: 67F and perfect, even though the dew point just right to create fog and dew — perfectly fitting. Welcome: Jest as YHC and Defib wrapped-up an 0400 EC…

Shirts Off Runners means Real Runners

Weather- 61 and lovely YHC rolled up around 4:50 and noticed two unoccupied vehicles and 1 occupied sheriff deputy vehicle.  Two things were possible- two PAX were out running already…


We met at Dillards.  Pincher and ? rode an EC loop. We quickly split into two groups.  Ripken and Bing cruised at conversational pace, while Olympus and crew set to…

Wheel of Misfortune – 300 level

Solid crew at HH.  Almost all the regulars, and a cameo by Passport down from Winston-Salem. Mosey with the usual drills and a simple ladder warm up. 10 burpeee 20…

Testosterone Track

It’s pretty neat driving west on University at 0425 and seeing other cars with bikes attached….the mind immediate wonders if those crazy people are going to the same place you…

Running drills

This beatdown was requested several weeks ago by the world famous Fireball. He wanted to learn “running drills” to improve his running form so who better to deliver running drills…

Olympic Cadence

There was mumble chatter that a certain someone had gotten a bike and would attend this AO this gloom. It was YHC’s honor to get to be the Q and…

Fartleks at the Fort

Great morning to run, temp right at 50 and just a little breeze. Been a while since we’ve done speed work, so Fartleks was the order of the gloom (fun…

The level after Expert

46F YHC rolls in to see Olympus and Spinal Tap relentlessly banging out burpee after burpee at an accelerated rate. Eager to get started I assured them more burpees with…