AO: Bad Clown Cycling - Friday

When: 02/18/2022


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Defib, Gridlock, Olympus, Pincher,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Gridlock

The BackBlast:

Weather: 67F and perfect, even though the dew point just right to create fog and dew — perfectly fitting.

Welcome: Jest as YHC and Defib wrapped-up an 0400 EC ride, Pincher and Olympus were returning from an EC hotloap. YHC greeted the pax and thought about the 5 core principles. Instructions followed.

The Thang: Head to the NBC loop for a couple power-based sessions. Lap 1, no drafting, pax simply stick to whatever pace Pincher dials-up. Pincher’s instructions were to hold the power constant for the entire lap to set the tone for effort involved. The 2nd lap had the pax return to pace-line protocol with Pincher continuing to maintain the power established during lap one. Pax took turns pulling at that effort while the others “rested” in the umbrage of the draft. Lap 3 was just like Lap 1, no drafting with Pincher setting the steady effort based on power from lap 1. The point was to understand the effort needed when exposed to wind drag on-your-own and then to experience the rest that comes from the same pace while in the draft. I believe Pincher’s goal power was ~220W and other than hills, he held to it pretty good. YHC needs to inspect his normalized power to see just how well he did. I’ll report back ASAP.

After lap 3, YHC, Defib and Olympus headed back to the mall for a few quick hill climbs while Pincher went on to get in his 40. All told, distances covered were from 20-ish miles up to 40. Nicely done.

Announcements / Prayer Requests / Praises: See the NBP bootcamp beatdown backblast for details here.

It was fun,


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